Pokemon Go! Good, Bad, or Ugly? - Pokemon Go! 丑陋的一面?(by ace108)

Pokemon Go! Good, Bad, or Ugly? - Pokemon Go! 丑陋的一面?(by ace108)

Recently city wide Operation Pokemon Hunt is the talk of the town.

No conclusion thus far about whether more pros or more cons from the
arrival of Pokemon Go.

However, there is a bro who revealed the ugly side。

A guy was ranting about two elderly couple playing Pokemon Go in a
park. After the couple's child brought the incident to
attention in facebook, the post garnered many supporters for the
elderly couple.

A game is to let the players involved enjoy and bond with other
players but the bro made famous but this unfortunate event (though
not physically identified by netizens) should have learned the
lesson by now.

To access that facebook post, see the link below. For
convenience, I've include screen shots of that post.

最近Pokemon Go发起的猎妖行动带来了满城风雨,大家议论纷纷。


这位小生唠叨了两位玩Pokemon Go的长者后,那两位前辈的公子在Facebook公布事件后带来的公众都是顶两位前辈。


能上Facebook的朋友可进以下网址. 为方便也放上两图让大家看看。



Please give the seniors some time and space to accept the new tech.

Here are my previous post about Pokemon Go (even if you are not interested in the game, you need to read the first one):
Pokemon Go is coming to Singapore - How To Prepared? You've been warned!
Pokemon Go! versus Singapore National Day on 9th August

Here are my recent post on food:
Dinner is served - grill or barbeque?- 开饭了- 烤烤 (by ace108)
Lontong for lunch, Double Happiness (Chendol) for desserts /马来咖喱饭团和马来甜品Chendol(by @ace108)
Snack on these lovely Bean Curd Tarts - 爱上这豆腐挞
Introducing Minced Pork Noodle-Michelin conquest 1; 肉脞面-米其林星之战1

Here's my recent post on a walk in Sembawang Park:
Join me for walk in the park (Sembawang Park) / 到三巴旺公园走走 (by @ace108)

Here are my previous flower posts:
Flowers for a good week ahead - 好花让你好一周。(by @ace108)
Flowers for a good week ahead - Spot the bee 好花让你好一周。(by @ace108)

Here's my recent post on the activities at "getactivesg":
Free Fun-filled activies! Last weekend for free getactivesg activities (by @ace108)

More other posts for different topics from me at: @ace108
请观看我的其他帖: @ace108

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Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.

#game #pokemon #respect #singapore #cn

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