My First Entry For Fiftywords Challenge: "The Moment He Stops Crying"

So... I scrolled down the #fiftywords tag, read some of them and find myself interested in writing a short story too. However, I wasn't sure whether I should join in because I'm sure my writing will be bland, not artistic, not touching, atrocious. 

But this particular fiftywords entry by @enjar gave me the last push to finally decided to make my own. To be honest, it's because his short story is based on a video game "to fit his niche" I wasn't sure if it was allowed, but now I know it is. And since my niche is gaming too, I was excited to write one. Without further babbling, here it is...

This week's #fiftywords challenge:
Fifty word challenge - round up and new story prompt. The prompt is "tear".

The Moment He Stops Crying

Nella's dying in his arms
Leaving the young, innocent Evan.
She wiped away his tears,
And told him to rebuild a kingdom,
One that will bring peace.
Nella died in his arms
Left the young, determined Evan
To rebuild a kingdom,
One that will unleash his wrath upon his foe.

About This Entry

The picture was taken by me from the game Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. The story in this entry is the exact opposite story of the game. In the game, Evan will be a kind-hearted King. I don't like that. The micro-fiction you just read is how I wanted him to be.
Yeah, edgy. Whatever.

Head to the author's this week's post I mentioned to learn more about this challenge. And thanks to @jayna for the challenge! And thanks for @enjar too, for the inspiring post. Unfortunately I stumbled upon the post too late. So sorry about that :<

For more gaming stuff...
follow me, would you kindly?

DISCLAIMER: All artworks in this post (except for the cited ones) are belongs to me and I don't allow you, your partner, your cassowary, or your waifu to use them without my consent. Think I'm a smug? Fine by me. Happened before. Hate it if it happen again.

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