Japan Photo Blog, Vol. 32: Making Our Own Mega Man Bosses


Terebi Ge-mu. "Video Game."


When I was an elementary school kid playing Mega Man in my underwear at 7 in the morning on weekends, I never could have imagined that one day I would have a son who loved Nintendo as much as me, and who would be playing the same exact games I was then, with me, as a 33-year-old adult. It's quite a trippy feeling I get when thinking on this.

Today we designed our own bosses. All were my son's original ideas except for "Beer Man" (couldn't have guessed, could ya'?). And "Scissor Man" was drawn almost entirely by him.

Here's a breakdown of the bosses:

  • TV Man
  • Scissor Man
  • Seat Man (loved this one)
  • Gyōza Man
  • Color Man
  • Beer Man
  • Wheel Man
  • Ice Man

Of course Mega Man, known here in Japan as "Rock Man," is in the middle.

Isaiah said this new boss (him) is called "Real Man." :)


(Thanks for stopping by. If you missed the last Japan Photo Blog post, on our day at Kirara Park, you can find it here.)

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