City Of Acre Rich District Assassin 18/12/2017

Hello Steemian so its been a while since I posted a gaming session especially on Assassins Creed 1 I am glad I finally had some time today to play it.
So in our last gaming session with Assassins Creed 1 we adventured into the city of Acre the rich district explored the nearby Cathedral and made it to the very top which was insane and then we took an epic leap of faith dive.

All Image and GIF Sources Assassins Creed 1 game / Taken By @simonjay

So proud of that crazy jump probably the highest one in the game, right so now back to some business in the Rich district of Acre we looked around near the castle where we found the remaining flags.

Everything was normal and quiet around here so we went off and successfully completed our first pick pocketing quest of the afternoon, easy.


But on our 2nd target to pick pocket it wasn't as easy he was inside a small fort but guarded by two doorman, you can see the deal in the background there.

In order to get inside the guarded courtyard I decided to climb some wooden building platforms next the the body of water. I have to admit the water looks dam good here with the sun shinning a reflection on it.

This was enough height to get me to the top but wait there are guards up here.

There was 2 guards patrolling the mini fort at the top. Here we have taken them down and spot our pick pocketing target.

We made it down safely and unnoticed by the 3 guards, we now sneak around the corner where we can over-ear our target and wait for the trade to go down.

The trade as been made its time to strike! Soon as its clear we pick pocket the target, we do this only once he goes around the courtyard he was probably trying and make sure he wasn't being followed but this obviously failed and I have now gained more info.

With that done our next target is a preacher in the rich district of Acre by the grand Cathedral, I will see you guys there next time.


All Image and GIF Sources Assassins Creed 1 game / Taken By @simonjay


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