Black Thumb Chronicles : Weekend Gardening (Part 2)

...continuing from Part 1 šŸŒ»

Here is my new companion planting layout.

(Top Left to Bottom Right)

Marigold, Tomato and Basil

The main plant here the tomato. The basil acts as the repeller and the marigold is the pollinator.

Marigold, Tomatoes, Basil and Beans

Again the main plant here is the tomato. Beans provide nutrients to the soil, namely nitrogen for the tomatoes. The basil and marigold both serve the same purpose here.

Eggplants, Marigold and Capsicum

This was a tricky combination as I didn't previously research capsicum and combinations for it. I ended up classifying capsicum as part of the "pepper" family, although it's not a pepper, and saw it goes well with eggplant. Again I'm using the marigold as a pollinators.

Basil, Lettuce, Marigold and Chives

I saw a video the other day with a rows of lettuce with a row of chives in the middle and thought it was pretty cool. The chives act as a 3 in one ~ pollinator, repellent and prevents unwanted diseases. As usual I have marigold and basil doing their thing.

The Lasagna


Before I got stuck into the planting, I had to attend to the lasagna by sorting the cardboard and making sure there's no tape left on the boxes before laying them out on the patch we are working on which took no time at all.

I used to work filling shelves, stacking pallets, moving pallets, dealing with boxes. All that experience came in handy over the weekend.

Soon enough..



Once all the cardboard was in position, Hubby took over and began adding the foliage on top.


Time to bag plant

Bag planting is as easy as it looks, possibly easier, it all went down like this.

First (although I forgot to take a photo of it), I used all the bricks to build a platform for the bags.

My main focus here is to provide good drainage for my plants. Even though I did poke holes under the bag, I felt maybe by lifting it off the ground it will drain better.

I then used a blade to poke holes on the back of the bag and turned it over to cut a rectangle on the plastic.

(Can you see the cut on one of the bags?)


It all happened fairly quickly after that and I forgot to take progress shots.

This is the end result.


Marigold, Tomato and Basil


Marigold, Tomatoes, Basil and Beans


Eggplants, Marigold and Capsicum


Basil, Lettuce, Marigold and Chives


If you noticed on my breakdown there's a marigold (pollinator) in every bag and some sort of repellant as well, but that is in no way complete.

I'm still missing key core elements such as deep rooted plants, mulchers, more suppressors, more nitrogen fixers ~ but I suppose that will all come together later when we are out of the bag and into the garden.

In the meantime while they are in the bags we can move them around the garden if we're finding plants are getting too much or too little sunlight.

In the end I was left with this pile of extra soil and containers.



Watch this space for Part 3 cos I have some seeds I want to show you guys, maybe get advice or opinions and as always I'd love to hear your gardening tips!

šŸŒ» Arly


Black Thumb Chronicles so far..

Weekend Gardening Part 1 @bearone/black-thumb-chronicles-weekend-gardening-part-1

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