Ragtag Garden and Revved Up Ragtag, Update

For the past week, Chicagoland has been baking in 90+ degree temps and has had little to no rain.

Add in no breezes, plus humidity levels above 60% and you had some really miserable-to-be-outside conditions.

The Ragtag Garden has been holding it's own in the heat, but no rain has had me manually watering the containers every day. At least that task got me out there to do a brief check on how everything is faring.

The best part of the week was picking these two surprise peapods! Sorry for the dim lighting, however this was the best shot of the batch:

Plans for tackling the next stages for Revved Up Ragtag have been rattling around in my head, but implementing them is on hold for two reasons.

First, is that it's taking me longer than I thought to recover from the extended daily mid-day dog walks. Keeping hydrated was a real challenge. Seasonal temps returned yesterday, so that's a tremendous help. Honestly, though, that heat wave kicked my behind and I don't bounce back as fast as I used to.

I did use my 'downtime' to ponder what approach will work best on tackling the overgrown raised beds and the corner jungle. Which ultimately led to the second, albeit, nominal reason to delay. In going through some of my YouTube subscriptions, I noticed that the Farmer's Almanac calendars featured on Off Grid with Doug & Stacy a while back had arrived.

I'm just waiting for the one I ordered to appear in my mailbox.

The idea is to give this time-tested knowledge a trial run. I'll use it as a guideline for not only actual gardening, but also the recommendations on best days to do (or not do) certain tasks. If I'm going to focus so much energy on the projects I have in mind, I'll definitely take all the help I can get!

Has anyone else used this or similar methods successfully in their homestead or garden projects?

Stay Tuned For The Next Installment - Coming Soon!

Latest episodes in the Ragtag Saga:
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 1
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 2

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