Revved Up Ragtag, Part 6

This is where progress in taming the Jungle left off about a week and half ago...

Since then, it's either been too rainy, too windy, or too cold to do much yardwork. Today brought sun and milder breezes out of the South. Even my pet sit visits cooperated for once and allowed enough time to take another bite out of the Jungle.

The target area was the space just past the bucket and continuing towards the back fence.

It didn't take very long to clear most of the vines. They were relatively easy to gather and move out of the way.

The only treasures I uncovered were an unbroken canning jar and another small stack of shingles. I also managed to recover the portion the of the wood sawhorse that broke off earlier. Invisible, rusty nails in that tangle is a scary thought!

And, here's the rest of the 'floor' of the old metal shed. The previous owners just dumped busted-up concrete pieces on the bare dirt and then put a metal shed over it. Sometimes the degree of stupid people achieve is truly mind-boggling.

Luckily, I had just enough cardboard from my latest dumpster dive at the furniture store to make it (well, almost) to the back fence! I scrounged up a few stray bricks and a few of the loose chunks of concrete to weigh down the new sections.

Tink has to inspect my work when I finish. She's not been allowed back there, because we didn't know if it was safe for her to walk on. Rightly so, now that broken glass and rusty nails have turned up!

It's not perfectly flat, but it's now perfectly safe and one less worry for all of us.

Key Features in The Revved Up Ragtag Project.

Stay Tuned For The Next Installment - Coming Soon!

Latest episodes of the Ragtag Saga:
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 1
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 2
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 3
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 4
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 5

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