Firethorns in Autumn

Yesterday, I went for another stroll but I couldn't really double the hours then. It's freaking cold outside and though I was clothe in layers - my hands were really cold and feeling like they were frozen when I got back. I brought my phone because it was a bit sunny and decided to take pics of what's it like outside.

When I got back home I noticed these Firethorn fruits. They are normally just bright golden or dark orangy but yesterday they had dark spots on them so I took a closer look to check if they caught mildew and found out - it's ashes from our fireplace - my guess.

They are the same kind - it's just that the other has already turned darker red earlier since it also bloomed earlier. They normally turn dark during the winter.

This is what their flower look like and I took this pic in 2014.

No, I didn't plant them - they were already taller than our garage when I got here. The nature authorities here planted them there and I actually wish they also planted them in front of our garden fence. I do like their milky scented flower like the hoverflies and bees do. Here's a common scene beside my garage when these Firethorns are flowering. I took the pictures in these gifs two years ago using my Samsung Galaxy Note 1 and I don't remember sharing the pictures on my Social Media but the gifs ~~ I just made in makeagif - tonight.

I love them because aside from the bees, ladybugs and dragonflies tend to flock in them. I found so many ladybug larvae and adults on them which I would transfer in my backyard to fight aphids. Aphids thrive there, too but since it's outside the garden, I don't mind. They attract so many dragonflies I get to enjoy taking pics of and having in my garden.

The best part about having them is - being able to wake up at 5 am during Spring in the singing of a blackbird nesting in it. Have you ever heard a blackbird sing early in the morning? It sings a very beautiful song. I would sometimes find two nests in there - from that of a blackbird or a house sparrow. The thorns of these plants keep magpies and humans off their nests. Oh yes, I have tried peeking on the babies to no avail. No, I didn't want to touch the nest - the mommy bird would eventually leave them if I do. Something about that human scent and disturbing them while nesting that they must not like and no it's not a myth.

This is what the song of a Blackbird sounds like.

There are many other videos that would show Blackbirds singing but I chose to share this one since this is exactly what I hear at dawn during Spring. If you click on the blued words above - that's the source.

I would also like to ask a question to the ones in charge of the #photography and #gardening posts. How should I tag this first? It's been tagged but for next time - which is more proper? I want to feature my photography mainly but I also want to present information for gardening. I'm also confused and I hope someone could help me on this one. Hopefully, separate folders do come soon, one for the re-steemed posts and per category that we post about.


Pyracantha Jelly and Santa’s Belly
Pyrachanta Fiery Cascade
Planting Firethorn: Growing Tips And Care Of Firethorn Bush

disclaimer : This article is purposed to help fruit and flower identification and not to recommend food source.

I would like to thank everyone who upvoted my past posts and this post. Thank you all very much for your supports. I will have to recharge again as my voting influence has been dragged back to 36% as per the last time I have seen them.

I took the old flower pictures with my Samsung Galaxy Note 1 and the fruit pictures with my Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 edition.

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .


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