Gardening Forum : Is It Possible for Aubergines to Flower and Fruit in Winter When Kept in A Greenhouse?

Do you live in a country with four seasons? I do .. and even for a gardening hobbyist like me, it's hard to grow tropical fruits here .. more so ~~ make them bear fruits. Farmers have more luck I suppose .. with their huge and well insulated greenhouses.


Since the aubergines from my vegetable garden are still flowering, I decided to bring them home and just stash them in the greenhouse which as you already know - is now wearing a winter coat. Have you ever been in a wigwam? I had so I could tell you, it feels like you're in a heated wigwam there at day time specially when the sun is up. It's less warm today, though. The heavens cried today and it's a bit colder in there tonight as well. Uhmmm.. think room temperature. I just wonder what it would be like when its starts to be winter wonderland here. Fingers crossed, no snow this year, either ^ ^ .


My husband and I were tidying up our vegetable garden since it was declared officially winter here and we're far from being done tidying up. The day I dug them out of the ground, we were supposed to get our lot - "net and greenhouse free" but it was wet that day so we left the later there. The aubergines were in a pop up greenhouse and I just dug them out of the ground, sit them on a pot and transported them home. As you can see on the pic, they don't look healthy cause I plucked plenty of huge leaves off them. Here's why.

A few days later, a bud opened and I was more than delightful.

Did you hear what I said about which insect am counting on to pollinate them aubergine flowers and which one munched on them already? Would you please tell me below in the comment? No one would probably answer cause we're just mostly skimming posts these days since there's a lot and no one even noticed I misspelled so many words on the last post before this and other posts back then ... - on purpose or you are all just too kind to bring it up. No one would read this part, either ...

Anyway, it's almost 4 weeks now and they still look healthy but so far none of the flowers have turned into a fruit. I'm getting discouraged (boo hoo ~~). It's getting colder and colder these days and I am coming into a conclusion that they won't manage to fruit at all but it's too early to say that cause there are still a lot of buds on them.

'thing is .. am thinking that .. if they don't manage to fruit maybe ... just maybe ... I could keep them and transplant them in my vegetable garden next year. I just don't know whether that is possible cause am not sure they have enough energy to survive the colder days to come unless there aren't colder days on the way here. (you wish!) Another thing that worries me is that .. say they make it till next spring to be transplanted in the ground ... would they still flower and finally bear fruits then? What do you think? Am not so confident about that but I'll take my chances.

Have you ever done something similar to this .. if your answer is yes, with which plant?
What was the outcome?
Do you think it is possible for Aubergines to flower and fruit in winter when kept in a green house? .. or at least survive till spring?

This content's 100% mine. I took the pics and videos with my Samsung A3 1016..

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