Update On The Aubergines


Some critters are chewing on them aubergines and I can't tell whether these are actually some kind of aphids or another pest. I was thinking they're a stink bug but I didn't bother squashing one to smell it so am sorry I won't be able to confirm that.

A few days ago, I found a few brown dots on the stems and the leaves and suspected it was the sudden temperature drop at night that caused it. By the way, the sun abandons this side of the earth as early as 5 pm these days and the temperature has been down till 3 degree Celsius in the evening and probably colder at night. I didn't bother checking the temperature in the greenhouse in the evening because the last time I did check at day light, it was only 13 degree Celsius.


Today, I finally got me some free time so I spent it in my backyard checking on plants and I was thinking of moving at least two of these inside the house but I found the leaves looking like that above as if it was scarred from a chicken pox. Polka dotted brown!


The stems are starting to rot and a few has already started browning from the bottom and their leaves are starting to catch mildew, too. None of the flowers I saw a few days ago turned into fruits instead .. they fell and just browned. The remaining buds have started to brown as well but I guess its because the stem they were on started turning brown, too.


Was it the cold? Was it the tea compost I mixed in it's soil? Was it the cold? Is it too humid in there?


Perhaps all of the aforementioned reason yet, I thought of trying to save them by cutting off the browning areas and that's when I saw these under the leaves.

Do you happen to know what they are? I don't. I'm still thinking it's an aphid or a kind of an aphid which has evolved because of the white one in the middle and more aphid looking like critters I found on the other leaves.

It was then that I realized I should actually be glad I didn't place any of them inside the house cause imagine these pests hatched in there that would surely start a contagion. Normally, I'd wash the whole plant and check eack of their leaves but my guess is .. these could be egged in the soil or in one of them folded leaves.


So.. this gardening experiment didn't even last a month and two weeks this time because of so many factors plus time is really essential in gardening and almost everything we do. I've been busy the past few days, I kept coming home dead tired, I couldn't pay them a visit to attend to them.

I let go of all ten of them and let the pot out of the green house and the oranges in so I guess, this is another one of my epic gardening fail record and this one went down pretty fast. At first, I thought of salvaging two and just wash them both including the roots but I didn't want to risk letting an egg or two of them critters in the house so I've decided to abort mission besides, I've got plenty of eggplant seeds to sow.

This content's 100% mine. I took the pics with my Samsung A3 1016..

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