My Tiny Garden - Hoya Carnosa Variegata

Before I had my very first Hoya plant I heard that they are not the easiest plants. They grow slow and don't want to bloom. They don't like to be moved or repotted and generally picky creatures.

Now I have this one here and either way this variety is different, or I do something right, because she grows like a weed!

Hoya flower 5.jpg
Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/7.11/160105mmISO160)

I received few little, unrooted cuttings about a year and a half ago and right now they must be at least 2 meters long! Must be, because I don't really know. It is all tangled together to keep it as compact as I can.
Now that is not a slow growing plant IMHO.

Hoya flower 7.jpg
Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/81/200105mmISO100)

It also blooms like mad. From the early spring until late autumn. It constantly has some flowers open, new buds forming and so on. I had no idea that it can bloom from the same spot multiple times.

Look how cute and fuzzy they are :)

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Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/7.11/160105mmISO140)

And let me tell you - in the evening.... around 10 pm it starts to smell like almonds mixed with cacao... so cool :D

Hoya flower 1.jpg
Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/7.11/160105mmISO280)

I think it's the place I keep the pot in - east facing window with strong morning sun. I also keep the window open most of the year so she gets the cool winds and fresh air.
As for watering: I often forget to water her ;) She doesn't mind. I think she prefers to dry out properly than stay soggy. And she gets orchid food every 2-3 weeks when I feed my orchids and I have some left. Seems she likes that one too.

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Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/81/12555mmISO100)

The photo above shows where the buds are coming from. See the tiny little beeds? Those a future flowers. After they bloom and drop another little set like that pops.... and it all starts again.

Hoya buds 4.jpg
Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/7.11/160105mmISO360)

Hoya red leaf.jpg
Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/111/160105mmISO1600)

Previously on My Tiny Garden

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