My Tiny Garden - Lobelia

Last spring I got a pack of seeds of those cute Lobelias. Everywhere I looked (read: Google) they were growing to those bushy green carpets with hundreds of adorable blue flowers. Yes - I want that!

Lobelia blue 3.jpg
Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/14, 1/100, 105mm, ISO400)

I decided to sow them in a pot where earlier I had some crocuses blooming. When it got warmer they all died back and the bulbs went to their summer sleep so I basically had an empty pot. Lobielias would look lovely there, I though.
I sowed, watered, waited and they sprouted beautifully. But as they were growing and the temperatures was rising they were getting long and leggy. Lots of them died and all I was left with was few long stems with a couple of (still very pretty) flowers in the end.

Lobelia blue 2.jpg
Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/14, 1/100, 105mm, ISO400)

I got a bit disappointed at this point. I don't know if it was too late to sow them, or they simply don't like the hot weather here.
I trimmed them a bit now hoping they will bush out more. We will see if it works.

I will try sowing them again later on, maybe the end of August... maybe they will bloom in the fall till early winter since it is very mild here.
I love those tiny flowers.
I want that blue bush!

Lobelia blue 4.jpg
Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/16, 1/160, 105mm, ISO400)

Do you guys have any tips on growing them? It is really hot in Portugal in the summer and I do not get any frosts in the winter.

Previously on My Tiny Garden

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