@papa-pepper Scammed Me... In a Good way!

A couple days ago I wrote about a great example of a steemit user, he goes by @papa-pepper! I may have been premature in writing that post.

See it here:


The jist of it goes like this, @papa-pepper posted about his passion fruit vines, he said he had some seeds.

I replied lemme get some of them seeds yo!

papa-peppers says No probs yo, i'll send you some!

...a few days pass

I check the old mailbox and find a package from papa-pepper.

Not only did he send an envelope of seeds, he included some live plants!

So that right there is what pushed me to write the post about our wheeling and dealing.

It's Now 4 days later!

I finally got around to checking the seeds he sent me, He pulled a fast one on me!

Not only did the passion fruit seeds show up, he included four other types of seeds!

Four other types of seeds that I didn't even ask for, he just sent them, cause he's awesome like that!

* @papa-pepper if you read this, I could sure use some help identifying these seeds LOL

So there is the scam folks, papa-pepper doesn't do what he says he's going to do, he goes above and beyond what he says he will do!

In case there is any doubt, this post is a joke! @papa-pepper is an upstanding member of the steemit community!!

Anyway, enough of the comedy for now. I got the seeds into starting trays and I will keep you all posted on the progress!

Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to follow me, i'll be doing updates to the greenhouse saga as our season progresses!

And by all means, leave a reply if you have any questions!

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