Jungle Garden Walk: Grasshoppers and Overgrown Jungle Part 1

I encountered this little guy on my jungle walk yesterday and he allowed me to get close and take these photos. We have lots of insects of all kinds, not all this easy to photograph.

So I originally prepared this soil to plant a rose bush in this pot and I'll be honest when I say I never did. Well the wet season came and I got these surprise tomato plants which are now flowering and getting ready to provide me with fruit. Easiest tomato plants ever. There are a few in that pot, which is overcrowded but amusing.

At this point in the wet season, the jungle is out of control. Plants taller than I am and interwoven together in a thick mat on the mountainside.

Stay tuned for another part to this adventure, which I'll share later on!

Check out some of my other recent posts!
Lily's Bonsai Rose Bush Playing with Plants
Tiny Jungle Butterfly Photo Shoot
Living in the Clouds: Acapulco Bay Full of Ships

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