Lily's Sensitive Plant: Cool Action Photos, It Closes when You Touch It

I've always been fascinated with plants because of plants like venus fly traps and other extraordinary one's out there. It's a part of why I love cacti and succulents so much, I like the stuff that looks weird. So when we were at Home Depot and I spotted a sensitive plant for 10 pesos, I determined to bring it home.

The only possible issue with that plan was that we were traveling on the motorcycle in the rain. But I bagged it carefully and hugged it to me and it made it home fine. I gave it some water and the next morning it looked a lot happier.

And it worked, you touch it and it shrinks away, releasing some of the moisture in it's leaves to protect itself from everything from touch to wind. It's getting a new pot and staying in the kitchen.

It perks back up about an hour after you touch it so long as it has water.

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