Get A Record Entry - CASH (Song) - Original lyrics & Vocals using @thenite beat (Nite Ride)


I decided to go ahead and try my hand at writing some lyrics and singing to them. If you have followed me for a while you will know that I do like to sing. I also have had an interest in trying my hand at writing some lyrics. I do not personally make music myself. I have tried many instruments and just never taken to any. Perhaps in the future, I may try doing something digitally but for now, this is where I am.

This is my first entry for The Get A Record Contest run by the Steemit Music Alliance.

My submission here is for Round 2 which is to add lyrics and vocals on top of a beat that was created in round 1.
The beat I chose was from @thenite and was titled Nite Ride, See the original post here

My Submission (using @thenite - Nite Ride beat)

Youtube with Lyrics
SoundCloud Link

The Video includes the song with my vocals as well as all the lyrics, but just in case you want to review the lyrics slower, here they are.


Fancy clothes, fancy cars
Can only take you so far
Everyone is out of view
Out of touch with the real world around you
A world of riches
Money, cars, yachts, and misses
All you see are your dollar bills that you bring in every day
But you don’t realize that everyone is not the same way
Then you go home and think ok yeah this is my life
But you don’t think about others Just an expensive nightlife

Cash, you got it
Dough, got it
Paper, got it
Got it got it got it
Money’s fine
You’re making dollars
You’re on top
The only baller
Cash, you got it
Got it got it got it

All you think about is the dough
And that you’re gonna get paid
So that you can get more
And be on display

You will never give a dime
Cause you don’t really care
You just keep your money to yourself
Keep others out of your hair
You showcase yourself like a modern king
Don’t give a second thought to doing a really good thing
You look down upon others
Ones you choose not to see
Look past the ones struggling
Even real ones on the street
A few dollars could go far
Even though many need help
Acting like a fixed star
You only think about yourself

Cash, you got it
Dough, got it
Paper, got it
Got it got it got it
Money’s fine
You’re making dollars
You’re on top
The only baller
Cash, you got it
Got it got it got it

The world is struggling
But you are in it
The people mumbling
Please give back a bit
You can’t be by yourself Cause people matter
The world outside your door is starting to shatter
But you look past the people that need a bit of an aid
Just think of yourself and about getting paid
But you are all alone
Every day and every single night
You will die alone
And that’s a fact
Because you’re not right


I had a lot of fun making this. It was my first time doing something of this sort.

I hope you enjoyed this submission.
Thank you for Listening!

As usual, Stay Awesome Steemians!



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