Giving away nearly a whole $1 or 1 STEEM worth of tokens today! This looks like it will only increase for the rest of this week with the rising price of STEEM!

Numerous milestones to be reached with giving away tokens to people to learn about other tokens, trading, or even bitshares itself! Thank you to everyone that has helped make my little project a success that I work on every day now since it manages to pay me some STEEM for my efforts and give away a decent amount of value to the people that have been interested and received tokens.

Virtualgrowth / VIRGROW Given Away Over 1000 Tokens Through Giveaways Posts!

Look forward to giving away many more and possibly exploring making a token for some sort of trading game or contest.
Also want to take a moment and thank @nepd for mentioning me in this post: If You Were Given One Million STEEM But Had To Give It Away, Who Would Get The Awards?
Will be brainstorming more on another potential idea of mine: Journey on steemit and evolving ideas: Giveaway / Market of UIAs and Game of Health / Wealth with rewards