SUNRISE ABOVE THE TOWN - I went for early morning run and this is how it looked like



I'm not really a morning person. My average day ends around 1am and starts little bit after 7am so nothing really extreme. If I don't get my 6 hours worth of sleep I'm a zombie. But this Thursday I've decided to mix things a little bit...


I've decided to wake up at 5:45 and goo for a run immediately.
Waking up that early isn't my favorite thing to do, but I don't have a problem with it in general. Also, I enjoy jogging so I thought everything should be easy in the morning....

How did it go

Man, was it a pain! The biggest snoozefest ever :) 5:50 - 5:55 - 6:00 - 6:03 - 6:07 - 6:10....Then, I finally got up. Eventually, I was all dressed up and ready to go around 6:22. After first several meters I've already felt pretty good. So were should I get my tired ass now? Several seconds and the decision was made - we're going up above the town to watch the SUNRISE!

It was STUNNING up there!


Na ranne vstavanie moc niesom. Moj normalny den konci cca o jednej v noci a zacina rano nieco po siedmej - nic specialne, nic extremne. Minuly stvrtok som vsak veci spravil inak....


Rozhodol som sa vstat uz o 5:45 a ist hned rano behat.
Skore ranne vstavanie nie je jedna z mojich oblubennych cinnosti, no zaroven s tym v zasade nemam ziaden problem. Takisto si rad idem obcas zabehat. Vpodstate som ocakaval, ze to rano bude vsetko v pohode....

Tak teda ako to prebiehalo?

Bolelo to! Najvacsi snoozefest na svete :) 5:50 - 5:55 - 6:00 - 6:03 - 6:07 - 6:10....Nakoniec som sa konecne vykoprcol z postele a 6:22 som bol "ready to go". Kam mam teda teraz vytrepat svoju polospiacu lenivu...zadnicu? Par sekund a rozhodnutie bolo na svete. Co je predsa typicke pre kazde rano? Ide sa hore na Bergisel, pozriet si vychod slnka!

Bez komentara!

Arrival / Prichod na miesto

Bergisel Panorama I.

Bergisel Panorama II.

6:55 ...

Guten Morgen Innsbruck :) !

Takeways from that morning

I have a mixed feelings about it. It was definitely worth it, I reaally reaaally really enjoyed it, watching the town waking up. But I didn't really feel as energized during the day as early-morning-evangelists claim. Or actually, till the lunch I really felt awesome, but after the lunchtime I had to drink one extra coffe to keep me going. Also the run itself wasn't really a proper workout, because I wasn't able to push my half-asleep body so much - so I had to do another workout in the evening. But at the same time, I had this hero feeling the whole day. Still not sure if I'll do it again in the future..

Thanks for reading!

Poznatky z toho rana

Mam z toho zmiesane pocity. Urcite sa to oplatilo, o tom nediskutujem :) Len si niesom isty tym, co tvrdia vsetci odusevneni "skori-ranni joggeri". Vraj by som sa mal cely den citit omnoho lepsie. To bola pocas celeho doobedia uplna pravda, citil som sa super. No poobede to na mna dolahlo a nie a nie sa nastartovat. Takisto ten beh sam o sebe sa nemoze pocitat za 100% workout, proste som nedokazal ist az tak na hranicu ako ked robim sport vecer. Na druhej strane som mal ale cely den pocit hrdinu :D. Ci to niekedy este zopakujem, som sa zatial este nerozhodol.

Dik za precitanie!

This is also my entry for today´s #goldenhourphotography contest hosted by @juliank and @photocontests.

Also, if this doesn't persuade @steemitworldmap to stop by in Innsbruck during his current on-going travels, then nothing else can :D

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