10 Interesting facts about Google that you didn't know

Google is one of the biggest giant and most innovative company in the world. There are very cool and interesting facts about Google that most of the people may not know. 

  1. FIRST TWEET --> Google’s first tweet was “i’m feeling lucky” in binary code (0 or 1) as "01100110 01101010 ...".
  2. MISSPELLED --> The name “Google” was an accident. It had to be named “Googol”.
  3. SELF PROJECTS --> Google Employees are encouraged to use 15-20% of their time to work on their personal or own projects. Orkut and Google News are example of that.
  4. COMFORT BUTTON --> The “I’m Feeling Lucky” button is nearly never used but Google kept it as a comfort button for users.
  5. EMPLOYEES --> New employees in Google are called “Nooglers” while other as "Googlers".
  6. USAGE --> 33% of Google searches are from mobile phones while others on computers and laptops.
  7. LOGO --> Google logo was not centered until 2001. 
  8. OPTIMIZED --> When Google introduced “Did you mean?” Its site traffic was doubled.
  9. SEARCHES --> In a day, 1 million computers handles 1 billion searches. It can process 20 PetaBytes of data.
  10. PUBLIC --> When Google went public, Some of the employees became Millionairs.

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