Clenched Fists Mean Greed - Part 2

I recently talked about how clenched fists are an indication of anger. Today we are going to talk about how clenched fists may represent greed.


Holding Tightly

It is human nature to hold on tightly to things that are important to us and that we consider valuable. This type of human behavior is not something that has to be taught, it just comes naturally. One example of this attitude is when a small child holds his or her favorite stuffed animal while running away from a sibling while yelling "Mine!"

Honestly, I seem to do the same thing as an adult. I often can disguise my selfish nature better than a 2 or 3-year-old, but I still tightly hold on to things that I consider valuable. I still have the potential to live with a "mine" mentality. I think that all of us can.

IMPORTANT: There are some things that I believe should not be shared. There are some things that you should on tightly to and never let go. The primary example I can think of is a marriage relationship. I do not want to allow anyone to separate my wife and me (emotionally, spiritually, sexually), but we understand that even though we have given ourselves to each other we are not enslaved to another. We hold on tightly, but not out of selfishness and greed, but rather with love.

It is hard to receive something new when your hands are clenched closed.

Have you ever heard that is better to give than to receive? I have had the blessing of blessing others. And I have had the blessing of being blessed.

There is indeed something special about being the giver, but most of our (at some time or another ) will in a situation as the receiver.

The interesting thing about clenched fists is that you are limiting how much can be placed in your hands. Now granted it will seem that what is already in your hand is "safe," but there is little to no opportunity to fill your hands up with more.

Now when you hands are opened, your hands can be filled abundantly. And from that abundance, you have an opportunity to bless others.

Final Thoughts

This idea impacts us both online and offline! We can live with a "me, me, me" mentality and live out of scarcity or we can open up our hands and live with an abundance mentality. How do you choose to live?

Let's continue the conversation in the comments section.

  1. Have you had the opportunity to bless someone?
  2. Have you been blessed recently?
  3. Do you find it difficult to live with an open hand mindset?
  4. What can you do in the next few weeks to open your clenched fists?

Feel free to answer any or all of those questions. As always, I will do my best to upvote and reply to your comments.


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