GREENEST THUMB CHALLENGE #5 - Winner announcement, an invitation, and SBD to win this week!

It's time to announce the winners of the fourth GREENEST THUMB CHALLENGE.
On Wednesday the post got the payout and today we'll look at the entries that four Steem-gardeners submitted last week. The contest's payout has decreased, in comparisons of GTC #3, but the number of participants has increased. The number of countries where your plants are growing has increased - from Latin America to India - together with the quality of posts and pictures submitted.

Let's see who's gonna be this week's GREENEST THUMB!

Pomegranates and fennel seeds (India)

@anandhh shared some beautiful pictures of a couple of the plants growing in his garden: fennel and pomegranate.
Fennel produced several seeds that will soon be dry and ready to be eaten.
The pomegranate tree was planted by @anandhh when he arrived in the house and currently produces 50 pomegranates every year.

Papayas in the concrete jungle (Colombia)

@ecoinstant wrote a plant diary describing how he transformed a concrete corner in a garden where a papaya tree could not only grow but thrive and produce delicious, aboundant, fruits. Check out how he did everything giving a new life to resources that would otherwise have gone to waste - and without spending a penny.

Double-growing green onions (California)

@mariannewest tried a smart idea with green onions: cutting the green part, put the white in water and let them grow again for a second and third harvest.
Eventually she found a way to double-eat (so to speak) onions that may be useful to anyone who is interested in making the most of the veggies that we pass through our house. An experiment worth to try!

A wild, aboundant, garden over a prehistoric lake bed (Texas)

In just one year @michaellynn transformed a backyard, that lays over a prehistoric lake bed, into a wild garden with a lot of plants to eat!
Watermelons seemed to enjoy the soil and irrigation: they grew all around the yard and produced big fruits. The tabasco plant is impressive too. In just one year that dino-backyard became a grocery!

In witness of your love for gardening, it is now my pleasure to proclaim that this week's GREENEST THUMB IS...


@ecoinstant is this week's GREENEST THUMB for his ability to grow a papaya tree literally from scratch and to harvest fruits.
Where someone else would have seen just a concrete corner, he saw the possibility of transforming raw materials into juicy food and is now probably inspiring many neighbours to do the same.

What is admirable is his imagination and creativity to use almost any resources that he could find all around and transform it first into soil and then into valuable food. Producing food from some seeds and turning into resources something that otherwise would have gone to waste is kind like of an alchemy and definitely a gift for the Earth! Furthermore, it's free and fun!

@mariannewest is awarded the second prize for thinking out of the box and succeeding in a useful experiment.

@michaellynn is awarded the third prize for the great results he gained in just one year of gardening.

I thank everyone who participated last week. It was hard to select the winners and probably everyone should have been awarded a prize. You know, as you can imagine, this is not really about competing to be one better than another, it's about meeting up once a week and sharing our success in growing plants all over the world.

I would like to invite anyone who found this contest interesting to provide any help that you could or suggestions to make it better: if someone is interested to sponsor the competition, if there is a committed gardener who want to help me in selecting the winners, someone who could help me editing the text from mistakes that I could make...anything that you can think!

This week the contest post generated only 0.356 SBD in payout. I sent the (little) prizes to the winners.


According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a green thumb is:

the ability to make plants grow and be healthy

I can't wait to read new amazing stories of plants growing and see new GREENEST THUMB pictures. So, here are the rules for week 5. In bold, changes from last week.


  • Post one or more pictures explaining your ability to make plants grow and be healthy, between now and this post payout time (in 7 days)
  • You can either post your picture in the comments below or write a post about it. If you write a post, tag it #greenestthumb and link it in the comments below, so everyone can find it.
  • I'll select a winner who will get 50% of the SBD generated by this post. The other GREENEST THUMB will be decided through a collective choice: it will be the one whose post or comment will receive the more upvotes and will get the same reward as the other winner.
  • By entering the contest, you give me permission to use one of your pictures in the next post where I'll be announcing the winners.

It's not an obligation, but please consider to upvote and resteem this post (most of the former participants already did last week and I thank you for that). This will help the challenge growing bigger and self-sustainable. Furthermore, it will make the prizes bigger! I'll start resteeming some of your entries too, to give the contest more visibility.

Happy gardening and see you next week for the winners of THE GREENEST THUMB CHALLENGE #5!

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