The Steemit Greeters Guild Newbie Spotlight- Volume Six - Written By @tryskele

@greetersguild and @tryskele presents.......



Volume Six


Are you so new that you don't know the difference between Steem and SBD? Do you have a gazillion questions on where to go and what to do? Have you thought, I've made my introductory post why haven't I made a million dollars yet? Did someone tell you that you were going to make a lot of money and now you're frustrated because you have been lucky to make $.06 on a post? We're here to tell you that you're not alone.
Most of us have been there, done that, don't want to go back. One of the wonderful things is there is this whole part of the community that truly wants to help you succeed. Why? Because we're amazing, awesome people.
😁 It sounds crazy, but it's actually true. SGG Steemit Greeters Guild is one of the groups that is a part of this community that wants to do just that. Help you succeed. When a lot of us started there was very little help so people would give up very easily. We want to try to stop that from happening. We want to help you want to build a stronger, better Steemit for everyone.




I came across @stefan.travels through last week's #PayItForward contest. I looked and sorry no introductory post. He has officially been posting for 10 days and has a reputation of 35. His first post was the first part of the series that I am featuring. He posts about his travels and sometimes pictures with a little summary of where it is and usually something inspirational. Then roughly once a week he posts these amazing articles about little known places as he puts it "off the beaten track". These articles are filled with history, a description of the site or city that you can picture in you mind, which you don't really have to since he posts pictures of these places too.

Series: Travel off the Beaten Track - #2 - Moldova: The Forgotten Country to Travel in Europe



Eileen Rada. Foto Ahimsa Producciones.png

It seems that @eileenrada has developed quite a following already. While she is almost as new as anyone can be, in 3 days her reputation is currently at 26. Her introductory post is one of the best I have read. Yes, it is in Spanish so to get the full meaning those of you that don't speak Spanish will need to translate it. I HIGHLY recommend you do. Two valued members of SGG featured her in our scouting forum. So, naturally, I had to take a look. A very quick run down, she is from Venezuela she loves music and enjoys the that she was named after the song 'Come On Eileen'. She is a journalist and has gotten to meet many celebrities in Venezuela. She loves her work. Says that her friends think she's a hippie since she likes to wear vivid colors and even play a little bit with modeling. While having all of this, she was greatly affected by her father being murdered a few years ago. You won't be sorry for reading her story.

Mi primer post: soy Eileen y tengo historias por contar




I could say I found @aprilpeerless, but she found me. She had seen one of my Pay It Forward post and loved it. She's been around since January currently has a reputation of 38 . To quote her:

My writings are a work in progress just as I am. Most of my writings
are simply thoughts that come to me during moments of clarity

While she is not a blogger with long articles, to me she is more of an artist. She posts a few times a day, motivational, inspirational, quotes and poems that come into her thoughts, then she puts them together with a picture. Once she's done it is like a mini piece of art that not only you see, but the words speak to you. She's a great person to visit when you need a little motivation, kindness and a thought that will make you see things in a different light.

Everything you see or touch


Please help us give these amazing new users a warm welcome to the Steemit Community!


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