Do You Want to Run You Own Voting Bot?

Are you looking to run and maintain your own voting bot? Perhaps you are not comfortable giving out your posting key? It's not that difficult thanks to @inertia he developed a fairly simple to use a voting bot.


There are many users that aren't too tech savvy and may find the directions difficult to follow so I'll try to make things easy and do a step by step procedure.

You need Linux or macOS to use this bot and I know many people are on Windows so you can follow this tutorial on installing a Linux subsystem on Windows 10 if you are on the Creators Update.



Open the Command Line Terminal on Linux or macOS and enter the following commands:


sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install ruby-full git openssl libssl1.0.0 libssl-dev 
sudo apt-get upgrade
gem install bundler

Note: when you use the sudo command in the beginning, you'll most likely be prompted for a password that was made when setting up the Linux system.

When you do the sudo apt-get upgrade command, you will most likely be prompted to continue. Just type y and press Enter and it will proceed with upgrading packages.

Then continue with gem install bundler.

If you're doing this in the Windows Linux Subsystem, You may be missing some libraries and need to install them. I forgot which one exactly was missing one needed but the ones below should get your bot working. If you are still having issues getting the bot to run, you can always leave a comment or contact me on Discord.

sudo apt-get install ruby-full git openssl libssl1.0.0 libssl-dev build-essential libreadline-dev libyaml-dev


gem install bundler

Next, clone this gist and install the dependencies:

git clone drphil
cd drphil
bundle install

After you have the dependencies installed, you can edit the config file labeled drphil.yml
To do this, while in the drphil directory type:

sudo nano drphil.yml

You'll see this:

From here, you can set up your configuration. You can read the details on what each setting does in the same post earlier.

Just remember to add your private posting key in the voters: section. The 2 accounts that are listed are from an early experiment and testing purposes that don't really have any SP so voting with those accounts won't benefit you at all so you can either comment or delete those keys.

#  - social 5JrvPrQeBBvCRdjv29iDvkwn3EQYZ9jqfAHzrCyUvfbEbRkrYFC        
#  - bad.account 5XXXBadWifXXXdjv29iDvkwn3EQYZ9jqfAHzrCyUvfbEbRkrYFC   

I would also recommend changing the threshold on the voting power setting so it doesn't go too low. If you are fine with having your voting power drain down to 25%, then you can leave it at default.

min_voting_power: 25.00 % 

Note: You may notice at the bottom under chain_options: shows This currently works fine but in my screenshot, you can see I changed it to

Steemit, inc is planning to deprecate the endpoint and use the endpoint instead. I'm sure @inertia will update this but just be aware of this in the future.

When you're all done with your settings, to save the changes and exit just press:
Ctrl + x

To run the bot, just type:

ruby drphil.rb

Your result should show something this:

Your voting bot is running and make sure it is voting correctly and you should see this below. If not, you might have entered your posting key incorrectly...

You're all set! Now you are running your very own voting bot and not have to worry about anyone or service misusing your key.

Note: You may notice from time to time this error:

Error: 765: unexpected token at ''
It happens due to the node. You can just ignore it and the bot will continue on.

If you need any help or have any questions, you can stop by SteemSpeak on Discord, contact me on Discord, or just leave a comment below.

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Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Feel free to follow and find me in SteemSpeak on Discord.
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