A Superpower In 30 Days - Day 3 The Keys To Unlocking The Superbrain.

"Today, I will share with you 10 keys to unlock your Superbrain."


I knew lesson 3 will blow my mind and the when Jim Kwik started sharing his 10 keys to a "Superbrain", I smiled and took a deep breath getting ready to take a big step toward my new superpower.

Today is April 11th, and it is the third day of my 30-day "Superbrain" program by Jim Kwik.

The first 2 days have helped me understand how to use my memory and my brain better and Jim shared some awesome techniques to memorize lists and names.
If you want to check out the summaries of the 2 previous days check out these posts - Day 1 , Day 2.

In this lesson Jim gave 10 things we can all do to unlock the potential of our brain.
They are all pretty simple to implement and will give awesome results.

10 Keys to unlock your Superbrain

  1. Eat Brain foods - some foods help our brain to work better like Blueberries and Avocados, integrate them into your daily meals.

  2. Get rid of ANTs- Automatic Negative Thoughts that come to our mind regularly really hinder the activity of our brain.
    Every time an ANT rises try to acknowledge it and shift your thoughts to something positive.

3.Exercise - " A healthy heart creates a health brain." Daily exercise improves the cardiovascular system thus, improving the blood flow to the brain, improving concentration and memory.

4.Brain nutrients- Our brain requires nutrients like all the B group vitamins and Omega- 3 fats. Make sure to get enough from your diet. Otherwise, take supplements.

  1. Positive Surroundings - Negative people have a negative effect on our body and mind. Make sure to be around positive people that engage in positive conversation and make you think.

  2. Clean space - "A clean desk makes a clean mind". When your space is clean and tidy ot is easier to stay focused.
    Always keep a tidy and organized work space, your mind will also stay organized.

  3. Sleep - Getting enough sleep is critical for making your brain work better. "Exactly like muscles so does our brain builds itself while we sleep".

  4. Protection - Protect your brain from trauma, use helmets and avoid getting your head hit.

  5. Learning - Learning not only improves the function of your brain making it proccess new skills and information but studies have shown that learning elongates your life.

10.Stress Management - When your stressed your body secretes adrenaline and cortisol that make the body go into fight or flight mode. This drives blood away from the brain to the muscles making the brain work slower.

After Jim finished explaining the points ob the list, he asked to choose a couple of keys to work on daily.

I chose the Positive Surroundings and Clean space. I really need to get around positive people and get my stuff organized.

Conclusion of day 3

Day 3 was incredible, I can't wait to start using the keys Jim Kwik gave.
This program is really starting to pick up .

I will share my progress daily so be sure to check out my blog tomorrow for the summary of day 4.

This is going to be crazy.

If you want to check out Jim Kwik's Superbrain course and a Free masterclass go to this
Un-affiliated link

Thank you for your time.

With love.


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