The Love of Cats 【Haiku of Japan #19】

うらやまし 思ひ切る時 猫の恋

It’s enviable.
The gracefulness of
The cat’s love.


Urayamashi omoi-kiru toki neko no koi


(print by Utagawa Kuniyoshi)

Cats would seem to be beloved everywhere, even in pre-modern Japan. And why not, huh—who indeed doesn't love a cute cat?

Don't miss the other great haiku in the Haiku of Japan series!

  1. Traveling to the inn
  2. Childless Woman
  3. Old Dancing Butterfly
  4. Seeing the Moon
  5. Checking the Scarecrow
  6. Skill of Insects
  7. The Spider Lilies
  8. A Thousand Green Mountains
  9. Falling Lead Enlightenment
  10. Lonely Night
  11. Her Day Off
  12. Autumn Crow
  13. Faint Footprints
  14. Alone on the Road
  15. Autumn Begins
  16. Early Morning Moon Viewing
  17. Mistaken for a Scarecrow
  18. The Galactic River

Hi there! David LaSpina is an American photographer and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku. He blogs here and at
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