A Forgetful Mum on Halloween Day | 忘記今天是萬聖節 🎃

Hi Steemians,



Today is Halloween and the young and old around the world would be using this day to dress up! Like all other mornings, we get Baby E ready for school and forgot to dress him up! He got to class and most of the girls were all dressed up for the occasion but Baby E and his guy friends were in their normal clothes.

今天是萬聖節而我想了很多人都會打扮一下。但我今天跟平常一樣幫 BB E 準備去學校但忘記幫他打扮一下。爸爸 E 帶他到班房先發現我們忘記了。他班裡的女同學差不多都有打扮但好像男同學都沒有。


Lucky at his age he doesn't really understand the concept of dress up so the teacher said they have some props and will help the kids who didn't dress up put something cool on. So during the day I dressed up Baby M as Mickey Mouse

他年紀還小所以不知道是什麼回事。老師跟我們說沒關係,他們有一些東西可以幫沒有準備的小孩打扮一下。之後我就幫BB M 打扮成米奇老鼠



In the meantime at home, I waited till Baby E came home from school and dressed both of them for the occasion. Baby E's school painted some cool stuff on his face. They think it was just another outfit but I guess I have photos of them on the first Halloween together.

我在家就預備好一套衣服給 BB E 放學穿的然後跟BB M 一起照相留念。BB E 的老師幫他在他的臉上畫了一點東西。我想他們兩個都沒做都不知道我們幹什麼但起碼我又一張相片來見證他們兩個第一次一起過萬聖節。



We also prepared a trick or treat for the kids around us.



This was Baby E's outfit last year on Halloween. I dressed him as a burglar! Haha!
以下是 BB E 上年的萬聖節的服裝。


Hope you all enjoyed today in some way and I'm sure we will see more Halloween posts thoughout the day.


Thanks for reading. If you like my post, please follow, comment and upvote me. There will be more exciting posts & destinations to come.

謝謝你們收看。 請你們繼續跟隨,留言和投我一票 👍. 我會分享更多遊記和其他有趣的 blog.

All photos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted. 每張相片都是我們自己拍的 📷

Below are some of my previous posts:

Crypto Soon To Be Being Regulated In Australia?

How To Rent A Car For Traveling Around Japan

Steemfest Travel Special Eduardo VII Park @ Lisbon, Portugal

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