HAPPINESS CONTEST 01: Being a Mom Makes Me Happy


They say you never know how much love your heart can hold until you have a child. I have to agree with that statement.

Even if it sounds cliché, I find happiness in being a mom to these two boys.

Being a Mom Makes Me Happy

  • When my oldest won his Pinewood Derby race this weekend, I was happy.
  • When my youngest requests me to be his audience while he does tricks on his scooter, I am happy.
  • When my oldest curls up in bed with me so I can listen to him read, I am happy.
  • When my youngest asks me to play on Snapchat with him, I am happy.

oldest son.jpg

Even when my oldest is sassing me…reminding me of myself as a child, I am happy. (Definitely paying for my raising with this one!)

Even when my defiant youngest is pushing every single one of my buttons, again and again, I am happy.

youngest son.jpg

Having these two in my life – no, bringing these two in the world – has increased my happiness many times over.

When I am feeling sad, I simply look into the faces of the two lives I created, and my troubles don’t seem so big anymore. They are what keep me going, striving to be a better person and mother every single day.

Because no matter what, I know that these two boys still love me. Unconditionally. No matter how many mistakes I make or how much I may fail when trying to be the “perfect” mom.

And knowing that I have their love MAKES ME HAPPIEST OF ALL!

This post was submitted to the Happiness Contest.


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