How to Be a Better Friend - PART 1

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Friends make the world go round. What would life be without great friends? Today I want to shed some light on friendship and how we can take a step back and look at how well we do the whole friend thing.

As I was typing this up, I realized I had A LOT to say about the topic. So, it’s going to be broken down into a two-part series. Stay tuned for part 2 coming tomorrow!

Now, back to Part 1…


Think about the friends that you've had throughout your life. More than likely, you've had a wide variety of friends.

You know the drill. Some friends are a good influence, some are not so good of an influence...there are friends that you can count on and some that you can count out...and there are friends that will stick with you through thick and thin and friends that can't be found when help is needed.

The hard part about growing up is that we have to filter through those who come into our lives and figure out the true friends from the convenient friends. Now, turn the table to take a look at yourself. How have you stacked up in the friend game?

It's hard to rate ourselves and think of ourselves in that realm, but it's important to.

If you want to have good friends, then you have to be a good friend. If you feel that there is room for improvement in your friend game, don't worry! There's still time to improve! Here are some suggestions on ways to be a better friend.

10 Ways to Be a Better Friend – Part 1

1. Open your ears.

Being a good friend is about listening and being there when needed. Don't listen to respond or to speak. And DO NOT try to turn the conversation back to your own troubles. If they are coming to unload their feelings on you, it is not the time to shift the focus.

How to be a better friend

Listen just to listen. Maybe your friend just needs to vent...let it happen. Be ears for them during their times of need. Offer a hug after, as they will likely be exhausted from crying and opening up.


2. Host at your place.

It’s not okay to always show up at your friend’s house for dinner or a movie. And not everyone wants to go out every weekend. Every once in a while, open up your home to hosting. Clean up your place, and invite your friends over for a fun night!

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3. Have their back.

Part of being a great friend is to be there when you are needed. Support them in their journey of life and be there for them if, and when, they need your help.

This may mean helping a friend move to a new home, or driving them to work when their car is broke down. Sometimes, it’s more serious than that – maybe they need money for an unexpected repair. The point is, if they know you are there, you will always be seen as a very good friend.

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4. Create fun together.

The beauty of friendship is also being able to be yourself around your friends. If you like to be wacky and silly, find friends to share that with. By creating fun, you are creating a strong bond!

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5. Always be loyal.

Never talk about your friends to anyone else, never divulge any secrets that were shared with you. In times of need, be there for them and with them. Your friendship with them is a “no judgment” zone.

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Alright, for the sake of time and not letting this post because a total book – I am going to stop for now.

Follow my profile, @keciah, for the second part of the 10 Ways to Be a Better Friend series!

UPDATE: Part 2 is now live!!


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