Hashkings Update - Sexing and User Requests

New Features

We have added a couple of user suggestions to the Farm actions tab.

Thanks to @saboin!

One suggestion that I have is to make it so when you click on the harvest button, only plots that are ready to harvest show up in the popup list, or at least have some kind of indication. That would make it much more user friendly for those of us who have lots of plots.



  • Seed trait
    • Beta Seed
    • Genesis Seed


  • Strain Name
  • Seed trait
    • Beta Seed
    • Genesis Seed
  • Seed sex
    • Male Seed
    • Female Seed
    • Not Sexed
      • Sex is determined once your plant reaches veg (stage 2).


  • Seed Sex
    • Male Seed
    • Female Seed
    • Not Sexed
  • Strain Name


Sex is determined at Stage 2 which is the vegetative stage. Your plant will be randomly assigned either male or female sex which will determine whether you are harvesting seeds or pollen.

In the coming weeks users will be harvesting pollen or seeds but for now males still produce seeds. STAY TUNED!

Thanks for reading, I really appreciate your time and would love to earn your upvote and follow!!

This dream of mine is continuously evolving and Hashkings will become more beautiful as we get art. If you know any artists please send them my way! Thank you so much for your support and enjoy your STEEM Cannabis Grow!

Hashkings is independently funded. If you would like to donate please send to @qwoyn-fund

Hashkings Official Links

Hashkings Web App

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Hashkings STEEM Account


STEEM Community Showcase

We love community and the Canna-Curate Server has the most knowledgeable growers and smokers on the Blockchain. Stop by and stay a while, spark up a bowl and chat with some of the members.

canna-curate | The #1 Cannabis Curation Trail on STEEM

Read what our farmers have to say here and please don't hesitate to reach out in the comments below!

Previous Posts

Rare Plots and Subdivisions
A Quick look at Hashkings NFTs (Seeds)
Use STEEM Keychain and get plots
Upgrade and Transition Period
NFT Update Coming
Join the Hashkings Team
Hashkings Overview and Update 1-29-2020
Hashkings Market Update
Hashkings Economic Growth
Mobile Update and Hashkings Christmas Gifts
Hashkings Upgrade
A Hashkings Overview
Introducing Hashkings Curation Trail

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