The Secret to Eternal Youth

What if the proverbial "Fountain of Youth" is not an external thing to ingest or consume, but something that is in our control?

People have searched for ways to extend their lifespan for centuries. Many believed the goblet, later labeled the Holy Grail, that Jesus drank from at the last supper held eternal youth if drank from. An actual fountain of youth in the form of a spring has been referenced from at least 3rd century AD. And of course modern advertisers and marketers claim their product is the answer to erasing the wear and tear of the years and restores the user to the prime of their youth.

Now, if you drink from a pure silver goblet, there are proven healing benefits. Have you heard the term born with a silver spoon in her mouth? The wealthy knew the healing aspects of silver and would give their infants silver spoons to suck on in order to prevent childhood disease in a time of high infant mortality. The wealthy drank from silver cups, used real silverware to eat meals, and kept their water and wine in silver jugs. It is said that is why mostly the poor died during the Plague, as only the wealthy had access to silver.

I was not a believer of the silver hype until I sliced my finger quite deep while preparing a meal. I did not have bandages, and absolutely zero time to wait in the ER, so I cleaned the wound and and my jewelry and slid an inch wide silver ring over most of the gash to keep it closed while I attended to my busy schedule.

Over the next few days I noticed something phenomenal- the part of the gash covered by the silver ring was healing three times as fast as the exposed part! And I was keeping neosporin on the part not under the ring.

And although you know that things like smoking, eating bad, and lack of exercise lowers your lifespan and causes premature aging, by now you have come to realize there is no magic creme or elixir to turn back time within the body.

However, you are not your years on Earth. Age is subjective. Age ain't nothin but a number.

One does not begin to "get old" until they stop being open to new ideas. Once a person becomes closed off to insights and concepts that differ from their own, that is when they allow "old age" to set in.

One only becomes old when they stop learning new things.

Learning should be a lifelong endeavor. The acquiring and absorption of knowledge needs to be a constant thing to keep the neurological pathways forming and activated. When these stop being birthed, it causes a domino effect in the body. When the neuro pathways stop firing and stagnate, more energy stagnates and things get stiff then go unused and pretty soon just won't work anymore. Much like when you leave a car in the barn for a while. When you finally go to take a drive it sputters to start, and you have to make a variety of minor repairs just to get it running again.

Keep your brain, and body, young by remaining open to new ideas! Never stop learning!

Images via Pixabay

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