Candida Cleanse Week 3 Results: Becoming Candida Clear

We are getting happier and healthier every day on our anti-candida cleanse!

We are following a protocol by Dr. Jennifer Daniels that calls for a diet based on plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables that temporarily eliminates sugar, meat, wheat, and dairy while taking a small amount of 100% gum spirits of turpentine each morning.

We just started week 5 of this protocol. Our original plan was to follow for only 3 weeks, but we are not yet consistently testing negative for candida using an easy at home spit test. (Please read our previous post to familiarize yourself with the spit test and how to read the results, as we will refer to it for the rest of this article.) While it is taking a bit longer to clear candida overgrowths than we thought it would, we are seeing great results every single day, so we decided to continue following the cleanse until we consistently test negative! 

Because we're not only following the candida cleanse but also running the most sustainable organization we have ever heard of, there is a slight lag in our data analysis. We are now crunching our numbers for week 3, and we have some wonderful graphs and charts to summarize our experiences thus far. These make the results we feel easy to see too! 

Let's take a look at our results comparing week 1 through week 3 for our candida saliva test!

Each member of our community tests their spit once in the morning and once at night. 

First, we will look at the collective data as a whole. 

The above chart has week 1, week 2, and week 3 results from both the AM and the PM candida saliva test. 

Week 1 is the only time we tested with a large amount of candida, meaning the entire glass of water showed strings or was cloudy. After that, the tests progressed in a downward trend towards No trace of Candida - the saliva is just floating on top. 

After 3 weeks, over 10% of our community registered No trace of Candida in the spit test. 

If you prefer line charts instead, we have provided that as well for your reference. It also shows AM & PM test results. Feast your eyes:

The above chart & graph display a lot of data that may be a little overwhelming, so let's break it down further:

AM saliva results

PM saliva results

After 3 weeks, we see that the AM test usually registers more candida in those who are still testing positive. Some of our research suggests that excess candida may collect in the back of your throat while you sleep, so this isn't too surprising.

Here's another way to represent this info for those who love percentages:

This is our overall AM and PM data from week 1.

In week 1, we saw only 1.7% of our community test for "No Trace of candida", while the "Entire glass cloudy" was 2.6% of the total.

Below you can see some changes that have taken place in just 3 short weeks!

Two "large amount" sections of candida have dropped to zero. The "Fair amount" section also dropped by over half! The "No Candida" section went way up, from almost nothing to 12.5%! Even the "very little candida" section expanded exponentially from 14% way up to 42%, which became the most frequent result after only 3 weeks.

We observe improvements in ourselves every single day. Everyone feels happier and healthier and feels this experiment is already successful. It is fun to have data confirm that what our own experience shows. 

We share the results of our experiment in hopes that it benefits humanity and inspires more people than ever to embrace their own thrival! We will continue to present our data to the blockchain for one and all to see. We appreciate everyone following along with our progress!

We hope this will inspire you to do additional research and work towards the best possible health for yourself! 

*This information is not intended to be medical advice; it is just shared research & experience.

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