Week 1 Results: Candida Clearing at the Garden of Eden

Today marks the 9th day completed of our community anti-candida program!

We are following guidelines by Dr. Jennifer Daniels, which you can read about in our previous post: https://steemit.com/health/@gardenofeden/candida-killer-natural-protocol-for-effective-detox-and-restored-health 

More importantly we have a whole community of conscious beings who have been not only consciously experimenting with this program but logging in the results every day in our extensive survey form. So we have real present data to cross reference with the research and study of Dr. Daniels.

For those of you following our progress, we want to share our first week's results! Since we are collecting for so many data points, we have decided to update you on only a few at a time. We will be doing an overall results when our entire three weeks have finished. 

The most important initial result we want to talk about are the overall progress we have seen in our at home spit tests for candida overgrowth. Our results are very exciting! 

Here is the chart of our first weeks results for the amount of candida in our spit tests each day of the week: 

The chart doesn't show the amount of candida by person. However, you can see the definite trend from day one to day seven. We started out with a few people having very large amounts of candida in their spit test. One of those individuals has gone from the entire glass being cloudy down to no trace of candida or very little candida on all her tests. Even the people that are still hovering in the middle range are trending downward! 

The most noteworthy item is that NO ONE is trending upward with their candida test. 

We choose to feature these results first, because many people do not believe the spit test works due to its simplicity. It is very hard to argue with results. There is nothing that we are aware of that would cause an entire group of people's saliva to all of a sudden shift how it interacts with water if our candida treatment was not effective. 

If you take a look at the data above, you will see both our Eden Knights with the best results so far and the one with the least progress. Even in our member with the least progress, they are still displaying decreased candida each day.

We are very excited to show just these brief initial result with the Steemit community! We invite everyone that wishes to follow the protocol with us and even utilize our form to have their results tracked:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSduXMOHbhju--F49_hLjvqAYWjeQld9Yj-6TPTaJzpDnu62qg/viewform 

We hope this will inspire you to do additional research and work towards the best possible health for yourself! 

*This information is not intended to be medical advice; it is just shared research & experience. 



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