Why You Should Throw Your Toxic Deodorant In The Trash

Many of us are putting things on our skin daily without having any idea that they may be causing us harm. Considering that our skin is our largest organ, what we use on it can have a big impact on our overall health. That’s why when I started to look into replacing the products I had been using for years, I was shocked to discover the most dangerous product was my deodorant. Yes, the deodorant that I used every day without fail was causing me harm, even more so then if I would have ingested the chemicals instead. The reason for this is that when applying deodorant onto our skin, the chemicals it contains are immediately absorbed into the bloodstream without going through any filtration process that would occur if taken internally.

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So What Chemicals Are We Talking About?

Here Are Just A Few Of The Toxic Chemicals Found In The Majority Of Name Brand Deodorants;

Aluminum-is used as a main ingredient in antiperspirants it forms a plug that blocks the skin follicles, preventing sweat from leaving the body. By doing so it is inhibiting our body from naturally removing toxins all why being absorbed by the skin. Aluminum is a know neurotoxin and an estrogen mimicker that has been linked to a variety of health issues including Breast Cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, Bone Disorders, and Kidney Problems.

Parabens- are synthetic preservatives used in many food and personal care products. They are absorbed through the skin and disrupt the functions of our endocrine system. They also mimic estrogen in our bodies, disrupting hormone balances. Our bodies do not break down synthetic estrogen easily and then accumulates in fat cells. When used in deodorants studies show that this excess estrogen can be stored in breast tissue, which many studies suggest may increase the risk of breast cancer.

Triclosan- is classified as a pesticide by the FDA but somehow is found in the majority of brand name deodorants. Fun fact, when triclosan is combined with water it can also create a carcinogenic gas called chloroform.

Propylen glycolis a petroleum based ingredient used to help the product be more easily absorbed into the skin. It has been shown to cause damage to our central nervous system, as well as our heart and liver when used frequently. While an amount as small as 2% can be harmful, most deodorants have a high dose of 50% propylene glycol.

Triethanolamine and Diethanolamine- are added to beauty products to help balance the ph level and to act as an emulsifier. These chemicals are absorbed into our skin and have been known to cause liver, bladder and testicular cancer. In fact, these two chemicals have been in Europe because of being listed as a carcinogenic but are still found in products in the United States.

Synthetic Fragrances-Artificial fragrances are added to make those lovely “fresh” scents we are all use to. The problem is that they have been linked to a plethora of health issues including birth defects, breast cancer, infertility, diabetes, autism, ADHD and autoimmune disorders.

There have been many main stream articles bringing these concerns to light, but still many individuals are not aware. After all, if these things were so bad for us… why would they still be on the shelf? I always like to follow the money in these instances…and well… it leads right to the pockets of the individuals making the rules of what is “safe” for consumers.

So, what can we do?

Well, we can start by voting with our dollars and not buying the products containing these ingredients. Instead, we can support the companies and individuals producing quality products. There are many on the market that contain pure ingredients, just do your research and read the ingredients label. Or, with a little bit of time and a few readily available ingredients, you can make your own. This way you have complete control over the ingredients you use, and can even personalize it to your own personal preferences. I recently posted a Photo Tutorial on Making Your Own Deodorant that is infused with healing herbs that help to fight odor. It is quick and easy to make, while producing a high quality product as well that I have been using for years.

The Recipe

30g (2Tbsp) – Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil
20g (4tsp) – Organic Raw Shea Butter
10g (2tsp) – Infused Olive Oil
20g (4tsp) – Local Beeswax
15g (3tsp)- Arrowroot Powder
15g (3tsp)- Aluminum Free Baking Soda
6 drops of each Tea Tree, Rosemary, Sweet Orange, Lavender and Lemon Organic Essential Oils.

It’s time we take control over what we are putting on our bodies, because clearly the FDA does not care about our health. Don’t be afraid to read labels and look up ingredients you are unaware of. A good rule to follow is, if you have a hard time pronouncing the word…it’s probably not a good ingredient for you. We all have to start somewhere and the more you educate yourself on these things the more confident you will be in making good choices. Also, there are many individuals making these high quality products and selling them locally…look in your area and support someone trying to make a difference.

For the record, my intention here is never to scare anyone, I just know that many of you may not even be aware of what is lurking in these commonly used products…I know I didn’t. I also want to share my tried and tested recipes to encourage you to make your own. I personally know that it can be discouraging to be unhappy with the first product you decide to make for yourself…hopefully these recipes can help you avoid that. My true goal is to share the knowledge that I have learned along the way in my journey to “clean living.” I hope you find these posts informative and encouraging while bringing to light the dark side of conventional products. Also, I am always up to answer any concerns or questions you have along the way! So, toss that toxic deodorant in the trash and start down the road to a healthier you.

Our Natural Body Care Recipes

Herbal Deodorant

Raw Honey Infused Lip Balm

Calendula Infused Body Butter

Lavender and Chamomile Diaper Ointment

Natural Bath Bombs

Herbal Facial Toner

Feel free to use any of these recipes and share them with your friends and family to help spread the word about better body products. Also, if you would prefer to buy a high quality product rather than make your own you can contact us at llfarmsandherbs@gmailcom.

We hope you have found this post helpful

Thank you for reading,

Happy Homesteading


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