MVD ( Brain Surgery ) is not for everyone / Do you know other procedures to treat TN..

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My Trigeminal neuralgia is an irritation of the fifth cranial nerve causing severe pain one the left side of my face..

To treat TN, a sponge is placed between the trigeminal nerve and the superior cerebellar artery..

By removing the compression, the painful symptoms are relieved..

For removing the compression , MVD ( brain surgery ) is needed..

But MVD is not for everyone..

Because MVD involves the use of general anesthesia and brain surgery and I am allergic to all sort of meds and I do have allergy to anesthesia..

If you know other procedures to treat TN, please leave your comment..

Source Image : Google

Below you can read about my battle with TN..

My Journey Through Trigemanal Neuralgia..

I am just in pain..

I was trapped inside a body, with no help..

I  Fight TN..

I've just been told I'm suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia..

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