Good Health a state of body & Wellness a State of Mind πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’–πŸ’–

There is no Good Physical Health without a Good Mental Health. Our poor mental health can directly impact our physical body and is one major cause of most of the chronic ailments. Most of the healthcare professionals these days are working on patients psychological well-being when treating the physical symptoms........

Most of the time people do not accept that they have a mental problem, they find it difficult to accept cause they feel a mental problem means people would not take it in a very good sense. The true cause of any disease is more of Spiritual and Psychic then Physical.


Our lifestyle factors, relationships, work, environment all sum up to our mental health which can directly impact our self-confidence and self-esteem.

Heart Attack is majorly caused due to stress, irregular lifestyle and depression.

Acidity is a result of irregular diet but at a mental level it is because of extreme Stress

Asthma at a physical level is due to an irregular oxygen supply to lungs, and at a mental level Sad feelings makes the lungs unstable.

Hypertension at a physical level high consumption of salty food is the reason and at emotional level it is all about failing in managing emotions.

Diabetes a very common problem caused by much consumption of Glucose and mentally a stubborn and selfish behavior disrupts the functions of the pancreas.

Cholestrol cause by excessive fatty foods and excessive laziness is one major reason.

A lot of these are also genetic where there may be a family history of mental health problems, which passes on at the time of birth to the child. But there is complete cure if one pays good attention to a healthy lifestyle.


Some of the very easy ways to work on our mental health is to have a healthy lifestyle, which would include a daily exercise regime, meditation, healthy nutritious diet, be off smoking, getting enough sleep, spending some time on our hobbies and most importantly having a positive mindset.

Fixing our Mental Health will result into a Healthy Physical Health

Health is a state of complete Harmony of the Body, Mind & Spirit.
When one is free from Mental distractions and Physical disabilities,
the gates of the Soul opens
B.K.S. Iyengar

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ§šβ€β™€

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