What makes us Successful in Life?

What do we think can bring Success to us in our lives?
Hard work, dedication, commitment, Goals, Positive people, Money, Faith, Passion.......

Well to an extent yes, these are some keys to Success. But there is one most important thing which I feel brings Success to us in every area of Life and that is;

Personal Wellness

What do you all think about it?

If our Physical, Mental and Emotional Health is not in good condition, if our lifestyle does not promote healthy habits, if we do not have the realization of good health how are we ever able to take any of the other actions that would require for us to be Successful in Life?

A Healthy body and Mind can enable us to function at our best. People suffering from illnesses, ailments, OCDs will always be struggling to keep up to the expectations not only set by others but also set by their own selves.


While there are many factors that adds up to Personal Wellness, but I want to highlight on one major one and that is;


Our modern lifestyles have impacted our Nutrition the most, we have got onto eating so many foods which are not at all acceptable by our body. Thousands of people around the world we hear these days have been suffering from Autoimmune disorders. Cancer has become so common and there are so many new diseases coming up which we have never heard the name before. If we would go 30 years behind these were all rare diseases but in today's time they are all very common.
The most important dip that we have taken is, in our Nutrition and lifestyle which has weakened our Immune systems so much that it cannot stand up on even simple cold and cough. Stress levels are so high that the person is continuously on medications in turn just harming the body more and more. The body is filled with toxins. Lack of sleep is one another major impact to our health. Our body needs a minimum of 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Not all of us are same and so is our body mechanics, it is different for each one, so we need to listen to our body needs and not go with what we have heard and read, it may be good but there is a possibility it may not suit our body, so listening to our own body needs and harnessing that will take care of our own needs.
Food the most important of all; we need to ensure that we are consuming as much as possible Living Foods and not Dead Foods, Living foods are those that grow and Dead foods are those that we have artificially created, their shelf life can be very good but their life in our systems will be very very poor.


Since the time my husband has been down with the Autoimmune Disorder we have worked a lot on our diet and lifestyle and I must say we feel so much of a difference. Completely cutting off on processed foods, GMO foods, extra spices, Gluten, Dairy is really helping us keep good health. I feel much more healthier than before and even light on my digestive system. I realized when we were eating all the junk, even though it was not much and once in a way but still I could feel taking off the pressure from my system and I have no problem getting sleep at night, which is one another big problem with many.

Healthy foods work on our brain chemistry, increases our focus, keeps us energized which are all the key factors for being successful in life. And above all of it I feel very good not only physically but emotionally and mentally also. Making healthy choices in life definitely helps. Our wellness is our responsibility and we need to take charge of it.


Hard work, dedication, commitment, Goals, Faith, Passion, Plans, Focus; everything will bring success to us, but if we lack in Personal Wellness we will never be able to do any of these in the first place.

A Healthy Me is the ultimate Success for Me; is what I believe

Thank you for visiting my blog.


GIF Courtesy @enginewitty 😍😍

My other blogs of Interest

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Lighting up my space with some Home made Candles 💖💖😍😍

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