Yoga A way of Life- The Duality of Purusha and Prakriti #2

When one talks about Yoga, they directly jump to the Asanas (positions), but the thing is if we do not understand the essence of Yoga, we will not be able to fully do justice to the physical activity of Yoga that we are doing.....

Yoga is becoming very popular everywhere these days, it's kind of become a fashion to attend a Yoga class. One relates to Yoga with fitness, and yes Yoga does bring fitness at all levels, but that is not what Yoga is all about.

We need to understand Why we are doing yoga, more than what form of Yoga we are doing.

One needs to look at the Transformation process while doing Yoga, the process of becoming one with everything.
The Patanjali Yoga Sutras talk about 2 main fundamentals;

Purusha - The Universal Consciousness" also called "The Universal Cosmic Male energy" and
Prakriti - "The Individual Consciousness" also known as "The Mother Nature".
This goes in too much depth with a number of break through within, but we will understand it at a broader level.

Source: Pixabay

Each one of us is a mix of Purusha and Prakriti, while we have our Individual consciousness, a part of us is also linked to our higher awareness which is eternal. The process of Yoga helps to awaken the part that exist beyond Self and can step into the space of Pure consciousness, the process from Individual Self Realization to Universal Self Realization.

Correct knowledge and awareness of the two helps in the process of liberation, when the correct understanding is developed of the two one can get rid of many unwanted actions in life that leads one to the path of self realization.
Through a correct practice of Purusha and Prakriti one can also get free from the cycle of Birth and Death.

The correct understanding of Purusha and Prakriti helps bring an alignment between our Perceptions, Expectations and Reality. We may perceive something in one manner, but the experience may be something very different, which will bring us to the face of Reality. The process is not about the amalgamation of the two, but bringing an alignment in the two.

Purusha and Prakriti are not any kind of Poses / Asanas they are the subtle impacts in the Yoga practice, not only in the yoga but also it seeps into the daily life with regular practice of Yoga.

A Yoga pose is not only about getting your body in a specific posture, its the process and experience of complete stability at the level of both body and mind, hence Yoga is not an activity but a way of Life.

This is a simple Yoga pose "Child Pose" "Balasana", that helps with complete relaxation of Body and Mind.

  • At a physical level it aids in digestion, stretches the lower back and helps in relaxing the nervois system.
  • At a emotional and mental level it helps in breaking down your EGO and helps in Grounding
    Being in this position for a minimum of 5 to 10 minutes daily you will see maximum benefits.

Source : Pixabay

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ§šβ€β™€

"Using yoga just as a therapy is like using an airplane as a bus."

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