Healing Journal Day 1

My friend @fmatinata has come to the @gardenofeden to take advantage of our healing vortex. 

@quinneaker provides a space to facilitate full spectrum thrival here in his revolutionary ecovillage, and my friend sought our services as an alternative to the surgery his doctors recommend to fix his neglected broken ankle. This is my record of providing yoga, Reiki, massage, and other healing modalities for him.

Healing Day 1 program:

  • comfrey tea
  • Reiki with hot rocks
  • yoga
  • massage
  • Tibetan bowls by @everlove
  • high vibe food, including garden grown sweet potatoes & jerusalem artichokes


He chose to ignore his injury to continue his active lifestyle and traveling. While he is on hiatus from traveling, he decided it is time to address his diminished quality of life. He's experiencing decreased speed and agility with climbing coconut trees. Walking is becoming increasingly painful, to the point he prefers to crawl at times. Also reports pressure from family to conform: go to college, find financial security, get a wife. 

He presents with less flexibility and range of motion in the right ankle; also slightly more swollen. Limping. Sitting on the floor feels very unnatural to him, and placing the ankle flat (as in cross legged position) is painful. Chooses to kneel on/into something when standing. Weak knees. Tight hips. Unrelated previous jaw injury. 

We provided a cane for optimal hobbling and G style. 

Mellow, gentle yoga to spare ankle/foot from high impact: practiced pranayama ( = breath work) and seated hip openers. His neglected injury developed quite a bit of scar tissue, pulling his alignment out of whack; hips are extremely tight. 

The comfrey plants @gardenofeden are just now sprouting again after a freeze; administered tea from the leaves rather than a topical root preparation to give the plants a few more days to grow big & strong.

Gave Reiki on injured (right) foot only. Took many minutes to feel connection to the energy. At first, it felt like there was an irregular pulse shooting out from the ankle in different directions. Felt very irritated, nervous, and deep, like there are many layers to clear out. Performed by the fire, and there were many distracting people in the room, yet the connection and flow felt strong and uninterrupted. After many minutes, could feel minor adjustments "clicking" into place. Used a hot rock under his foot for support and coziness.

Shin massage revealed a lot of dense scar tissue on the outside of the ankle extending up the leg. 

Per @rosswellrockman's reminder of magnetic therapy, we put a magnetic copper bracelet around his ankle. 

@everlove graced us all with a lovely Tibetan bowl sesh in the dark by the fire. 

He is very receptive to energy treatments and very pleasant. He's enjoying the peaceful lifestyle at the @gardenofeden; it's an environment with little pressure and lots of self-introspection. He's been very open regarding the pressure he feels from family at home in Florida to lead a very traditional life, but he's contented by other pursuits.

What will we witness tomorrow?!?!?!

💛 Sara!

Om sri dhanvantre namaha

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