Healing Journal Intro

My friend broke his foot rock climbing about a year ago, and it's been giving him hell ever since.

He didn't tend his broken foot right away. He consulted doctors after some time and got x-rays and prescription drugs, but still it's not fixed; they're offering surgery as the solution. He is turning to holistic options for healing from the abundance offered at the @gardenofeden, which is @quinneaker's visionary ecovillage and where I live.

Healing is one of my favorite things ever, and I'm honored to facilitate daily yoga, Reiki, and massage as part of his treatment plan. Yoga is awesome of course for calming the nervous system and stimulating the body's innate healing response. Reiki is an energetic treatment that is sometimes called the "laying on of hands", and I will share much more about this in upcoming posts. Massage will be supremely important to break up the scar tissue from his neglected injury. Rest will be muy importante tambien, and I have a feeling this may be the most challenging aspect, because this guy really likes to climb trees. 

@everlove will add her powerful sound healing with the Tibetan bowls to soothe his being, and we'll also use agni hotra, comfrey (also called Knitbone for its incredible ability to heal broken bones and trauma) and other plants, and fresh Eden high vibe cuisine to activate his thrival. 

Part of our deal is that he will make daily Steemit posts in exchange for services, so I'm looking forward to seeing him become active in this community; he's got stories galore!

I plan to document the process here on the blockchain for accountability and the most righteous Reiki journal ever. I don't know how long this will take to heal, and I look forward to the process! This is a holistic, alternative approach that will illuminate more options than the medical monopoly's narrowly focused perspective, and I hope you find it engaging and informative. 

May this journey of infinite possibilities inspire you to optimal health too! 

💛 Sara!

Om sri denvantre namaha

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