How to Yoga - Agni Hotra (Fire Ceremony)

Good day, Steemians!

Your weirdness will make you stronger. Your dark side will keep you whole. Your vulnerability will connect you to the rest of our suffering world. Your creativity will set you free. There is nothing wrong with you.- Andrea Balt

I live a super alternative lifestyle;
it blows my own mind sometimes.
MTV came over this summer, and the show will air December 28th,
Then, the @gardenofeden is expanding!
I'm thoroughly enjoying this life,
but the sands of my castle are shifting so fast I hardly know where to stand.
I'll come back here to a structure that feels familiar,
and I'll share it with you in hopes of igniting your flame.

This is Agni Hotra

AKA Fire Healing

This ceremony can be performed at sunrise and/or sunset every single day.

This is one of the most powerful medicines in Ayurveda,
the Science of Life from India.
It is said that the smoke can heal all sorts of ailments, including respiratory disorders;
that plants are benefitted when the ceremony is performed near them;
that it purifies the air and neutralizes radiation;
and that it heals disease and cleanses pollution.
I know from experience that it's seriously potent, as well as super pleasant.

Agni Hotra is performed in a copper or gold
inverted, stepped pyramid.
The exact shape and dimensions of the pyramid
has significance towards the energy field
the fire ceremony creates. 

There are subtle energies harnessed
and amplified in the fire, including solar power,
the reverberations of sound mantra,
and an offering of rice and ghee
that create a vortex of prana = life force energy.

Intention of the practitioner is relevant as well.
At sunrise, the mantra means:
I honor the sun. This is for the sun, not for myself.
I honor the divine. This is for the divine, not for myself.

At sunset, the mantra means:
I honor the fire. This is for the fire, not for myself.
I honor the divine. This is for the divine, not for myself.

It's described in the Atharvavēda (11:7:9),
Yajurvēda Samhita,
and the Shatapatha Brahmana (12:4:1)
for you scholarly types out there,
but it transcends religion - you don't have to subscribe
to any dogma to reap the benefits.

I suggest you try it for yourself.
If nothing else, it's a beautiful time to have a sweet meditation,
honor the day,
and connect with the primal power of fire.


  • You will need a copper pyramid, candle/lighter, brown rice, ghee (clarified butter), and dried cow dung.
  • Prepare the offering - take 2 pinches of unbroken grains of brown rice, and roll into balls with ghee. If it's hot out and your ghee is melted, pour some ghee on the rice and divide in 2 piles.
  • Build the fire - spread ghee on 3 pieces of dung. Set one piece as the base in the pyramid, and prop the other two against each other atop the base.
  • Light the fire - spread ghee on a small piece of dung and ignite it with the candle/lighter. Gently set it between the two upright pieces of dung. This can be done a few moments before exact sunrise and sunset.
  • The mantra is to be sung at the exact time of sunrise or sunset. This varies based on your location on Earth; find it here. The offerings are made, one rice/ghee ball at a time, on the word "swaha". Then sit in silent meditation, either looking at the fire or with eyes closed, until the fire burns out.
  • At sunrise, sing:
    Suryaya swaha,     
    Suryaya idam na mama
    Prajapataye Swaha,
    Prajapataye idam na mama
  • At sunset, sing:
    Agnaye Swaha,
    Agnaya Idam Na mama
    Prajapataye Swaha,
    Prajapataye idam na mama

💛 Sara!

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