How to Yoga - Lizard Pose Variation

Good day, Steemians!

Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. -- Abraham Lincoln

As the New Year rolls in, I'm questioning everything and
preparing to write a new chapter in this epic life; things are changing!
I love yoga - I have shared this with you for many months.
I want to continue sharing yoga with you,
because it is my sincerest hope that you can tap into the
seemingly miraculous healings I have experienced -
yoga can release even the most impossible,
ingrained, rockiest bits of discomfort within the being,
and I wish everyone can feel that for themselves.
I may be changing the form of what I share here,
but my intention remains pure - to bring my best
and share my wealth of knowledge so that you can benefit.  
In the meantime while I search for clarity, I'll share another great pose.
You don't have to do a full on sesh each day to reap major rewards;
honestly, 1-2 minutes a day in a choice asana can totally change your life!

This is a variation of Lizard Pose

AKA Utthan Pristhasana in Sanskrit

(utthan = stretch out, pristhasana = back body, asana = pose/posture)

This is a super yummy, gentle stretch for the hips.

Hip openers are my favorite because it's where
I habitually store my tension.
When I started yoga, I really fell in love when I noticed  
a) how quickly and drastically I gained strength and ability, and
b) the pattern in movement and how each asana preps the body for a new phase.
This pose is only an arm placement  
and distribution of weight away from an arm balance.

It's a great stretch for the hamstrings,
quads, and hip flexors.
Because the pelvis is a foundational aspect of the body,
increased mobility in the hips sets one up
for greater success throughout the rest of a practice.

But t's all play; you can breathe into this as long as you need.
The success of a practice does not depend
on coming into "advanced" poses.
If you're comfortable here, hold it as long as you like.
If you want a challenge, play around with variations.
It's the inner journey that makes a practice personal,
and it's up to you and only you
to take exactly what you need for today.


  • From down dog, step the right foot forward to the outside of the right hand.
  • Stretch through the back leg and extend through the heel.
  • Draw the shoulders back and extend the heart forward.
  • Maintaining the pelvis parallel to the short edge of the mat, drop into the hips.
  • You can come down onto the forearms if you prefer.
  • You could alternatively thread the right arm under the right thigh; that variation is a prep for an arm balance.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Breathe in, breathe out.

💛 Sara!
Thank you to the ever lovely @everlove for the lovely photo
We can make custom Steemit Ts or pants fit for a king--thanks @quinneaker!

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