How to Yoga - Triangle

 Good day, Steemians! 

As soon as laws are necessary for men, they are no longer fit for freedom.-- Pythagoras

I don't use money--too many rules
for a game that's already stacked against me.
I am a full time volunteer at the Garden of Eden,
and my needs are abundantly
met through trade of my skills
and thanks to master provider @quinneaker.
I can't ignore or gloss over the connection
between consumption and destruction,
so I choose to abstain from that whole mess.
The once mighty US dollar is a control system
that doesn't suit my soul, so I don't partake of it.
This is why I am thrilled about cryptocurrency;
I had no idea that alternatives to the money supply
even existed until Steemit came on my radar!
This is an honorable medium of exchange that does not
support the global military industrial complex,
and the repercussions are profound!
Thank god I found out about it--
this obliterates previous limitations!
In gratitude for new found layers of freedom,
I gift my treasures.
Yoga is a framework with proven success.
You are free to take what you need, and leave the rest.
May you find unrestricted liberty!

This is Triangle  

AKA Utthita Trikonasana in Sanskrit 

(utthita = extended, trikona = triangle, asana = pose/posture) 

Triangle is fundamental.

This is a standard pose in many asana practices,
not because it is the "right" way to do yoga,
but because there are numerous benefits to the pose.

Standing poses are energizing,
and twists are great for metabolism and digestion.
It relieves anxiety, stress, and backaches.

This is a full body stretch that strengthens the
thighs, knees, ankles, hips,
groins, hamstrings, calves,
shoulders, chest, and spine.

Many hatha disciplines
(that is, those that focus on asanas)
suggest slight different variations of this pose.
There's no singular way to practice yoga,
and you're welcome to experiment
with what works for you.

It's up to you to tune into
your body and your breath
to heed what's appropriate for YOU
right now
rather than following a rigid set of rules.

How to TRIANGLE:  

  • From mountain pose, step/jump the feet apart wide. Turn the left toes to the top of the mat; right foot stays parallel to the short edge. 
  • Raise the arms; wrists align with ankles. Extend through fingertips on both sides.
  • Exhale, and feel yourself pulled forward as if being drawn by the left fingertips.
  • Reach, reach, reach, and when you are as far forward as you can go, bend and twist from the waist.
  • Notice the rotation in the hips; as left rolls under, right hip opens. 
  • Left hand comes to the leg, the big toe, or the mat inside or outside of the left foot.
  • Right arm extends to the sky.
  • Extend through the crown of the head, growing long in the spine.
  • Turn the gaze towards the left hand.
  • Switch sides after several breaths. 

Breathe in space, breathe out restriction.  

  💛  Sara!
Thank you @everlove for the photography!
We can make custom Steemit gear fit for a queen!


Did you get your ticket for STEEMFEST yet? Reserve your spot in Yoga! 

 Thank you @quinneaker & @roelandp for making my dream to teach at STEEMFEST a reality! Dear Steemians, please help @everlove realize her STEEMFEST dreams too!!  

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