Flu Is Raising The Risks Of A Heart Attack? 26/1/2018

A team after analysing around 20,000 adult cases of confirmed flu virus from the years of 2009 all the way to 2014 have managed to identified around 365 patients who were strangely hospitalised for a heart attack within one year before and one year after their confirmed flu diagnosis.


What exactly is a heart attack?

A heart attack is basically a horrid medical emergency which is caused by simply a clot forming in one of your three coronary arteries.
But yet these are very important because its these arteries that supply blood to your heart muscle, so with the clot preventing blood flowing to the heart oxygen doesn't get carried out which your heart muscle needs in order to survive!
So as you can imagine this can prove to be a very dangerous problem.

What are the signs of a heart attack??


The most common sign of a heart attack is of course chest pain, the common described sensation is of pressure and tightness or a squeezing feeling right in the centre of the chest.

Some have said it can be difficult to determine whether you are having a heart attack or not this is because it feels like having indigestion, but there are also some other symptoms to look out for that may help you identify whats happening.

Other symptoms which may arise is feeling very anxious even like having a panic attack, feeling short of breath, feeling lightheaded or dizzy, sweating, pain in other parts of the body, coughing or wheezing and even nauseousness or vomiting.

Its being recommended that people at risk of heart disease should take precautions to prevent respiratory infections like influenza.

What is Influenza?


Influenza is basically different strains of the flu virus, its the seasonal flu virus, there are different types also like for example A and B.

The researchers at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences and the Public Health Ontario have both said and warned that patients with influenza B infections, patients experiencing their first heart attack and older adults are more likely to be at risk.

Its also mentioned in the study published in the New England Journal of Medicine that the researchers found a significant association between acute respiratory infections "particularly the flu" and heart attack's, oh yikes.

The findings also showed the number of hospital admissions for heart attack's were six times as high during the seven days after a flu diagnosis as been accessed.

The advice is that patients should not delay their medical evaluation's for heart's symptoms particularly within the first week of an acute respiratory infection.
They are also recommending to include yourself in measures to prevent this its said hand washing is very important and getting your flu vaccinations is apparently recommended by the doctors.


But many question on weather or not they should take the flu vaccinations recommended by their doctors some have claimed they have got sicker from vaccinations questioning on weather it puts them more at risk of having a heart attack in the first place.

Philippa Hobson a senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation as also commented on the findings saying “There is evidence that heart attacks happen more often during or immediately after an acute inflammatory illness, such as flu.

So one thing seems to be for certain having the flu can indeed increase your chances of having a heart attack, scary right?


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