The Whistleblowers (Series): #21 - Award Winning Doctor: "Psychiatry Is Fraud!" - Psychiatry Is Less Than Scientific And Is More About Power Than Healing.

We are often presented with the image that psychiatrists are highly capable experts in the workings of the human mind and are a valid voice of authority when it comes to the wellbeing of our populations. However, many have been forced to realise that this is often simply not the case at all and just like the other forms of medical care in our society, the influence of profit margins, egotistical self aggrandizement and the presence of spiritual imbalance within the psychiatrists themselves has caused a huge, unseen/denied spectrum of suffering caused through psychiatry itself!

In this relatively rare example, a highly respected psychologist has made a point of speaking out against his own profession and his own colleagues as he has watched them exploit their situation as 'authorities on the mind' for their own advantage and for political gain, time and time again. His testimony should make everyone reconsider what they have been told about these groups and certainly inspire us all to take greater responsibility for our own mental wellbeing and that of others around us.

Dr. Jeffrey Schaler's Background

Dr. Jeffrey Schaler's CV is 31 pages long and includes a wealth of books, published papers and essays spanning 45 years! He was editor-in-chief of the International peer-reviewed Journal 'Current Psychology' for 9 years and is an expert in a wide variety of issues relating to psychology, having also been an expert witness in numerous court cases.

Jeffrey Schaler

Whistleblower Testimony

Jeffrey states that psychiatry does not deal with 'real' disease, but only with fabricated diseases that cannot be objectively measured in a reliable way. He states that in America, the psychiatric industry's 'bible' - The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders - is a 'work of fiction'.

"What's the difference between the DSM and a scientific book of disease? Every disorder in the DSM is invented. Every disease listed in a pathology textbook is discovered. Real disease is found in a cadaver at autopsy, mental disease it not. Mental illness refers to something that a person does, real disease refers to something that a person has. Consider this yet another way, it takes 1 person to have a real disease, it takes 2 people to have a mental illness. If you are alone on an island you could develop a real disease like cancer or heart disease but you cannot develop a mental illness such as hyperactivity or schizophrenia, this is because mental illness is always diagnosed on the basis of some sort of social conflict. When people do something that others find objectionable they can be diagnosed as mentally ill, if the person doing the diagnosing is more powerful than the person who is diagnosed, then there is trouble. In this sense, the diagnosis of mental illness is always a weapon."

Jeffrey points out that mental illness is based on judgement, rather than objective and reliable assessment.

He states that 'treatment' for mental illness is often a form of punishment (where liberty is lost), rather than a real, caring response to real problems.

"Psychiatric treatment is worse than prison. For in prison they do not judge how long people should be deprived of liberty on the basis of what they think about themselves and the world. In a mental institution, of course, this is the case - if you don't think about yourself and the world correctly, you'll be punished longer."

Video Testimony

Dr. Jeffrey Schaler accepts the 2006 Thomas Szasz Award:

Jeffrey is interviewed by Louise Hicks & Kennon Wesley Mason:

Got Comments?

What do you think of this testimony? Do you have any relevant evidence to add? Let us know in the comments below. Thanks.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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