The Whistleblowers (Series): #8 - Witness to Child Ritual Murder At America's Bohemian Grove Club By George Bush Snr., Ex Pope Ratzinger, US Colonel Michael Aquino (Admitted Head of a Major Satanic Cult), Warren Buffett & Others.

Peter Alexander Chernoff claims to have witnessed a ritual murder of a specific child (who is still officially listed as missing) while at the ultra secretive 'Bohemian Grove' Club Near San Francisco, USA. He claims that several high profile individuals were responsible for the boy's murder and that many have been killed at the location over the years.

The controversy surrounding the Bohemian Grove is long-standing and well known to many of us by now. Alex Jones (now of snuck into one of their ceremonies several years ago and filmed a bizarre ritual by a lake, attended by a large group of people wearing robes and holding torches. The ritual they performed is called 'the cremation of care' and involves throwing (what is claimed to be) a doll of a human child into a fire above a large stone statue of an owl. The ceremony is, as it sounds, a symbolic way of saying that the participants renew their vow to simply not care - or in other words, a vow to continue to be heartless!

cremation of care

This image would be disturbing enough if it were not well known that the participants at the grove include US Presidents, heads of the world's largest corporations and numerous others in positions of responsibility in society.. Is it any wonder that our world is so out of balance when it's prime 'controllers' are deliberately and knowingly living two lives, one where they appear to be perfect and one in which they are openly heartless, destructive and planning what amounts to mass death events and a variety of other evil actions with their friends who then benefit financially from the carnage?

When forced to go public about the events in the grove, they released a brochure from one year's events which contained photos of men dressed up as women (just pranking around) as a way to try to make light of the situation and to make out as if they were just relaxing in a 'natural' way - out of the sight of prying eyes:

bohemian grove photo

However, numerous witnesses have attested to all manner of crimes being committed inside the grove, including the regular presence of male/female prostitutes, drugs, murder and no doubt also the planning of numerous crimes against humanity via the vehicle of government.

It has been stated that numerous key decisions regarding America's nuclear weapons programs were made at Bohemian Grove.

Nixon and Reagan at the Grove:

nixon reagan

Video from inside Bohemian Grove

The most damning public video leak from inside the grove remains that of Alex Jones' covert infiltration early in his online career - before he was as hugely famous as he is today.

Alex Jones' 'Dark Secrets inside Bohemian Grove' (Short version):

The Full Version of this video is here

Peter Alexander Chernoff's Whistleblowing Testimony

Several videos exist in which Peter is interviewed and states that he witnessed a ritual murder of a child at the grove by several high profile individuals. He states that he is willing to appear under oath in court and swear to his claims as being true. He also states that he himself was one of the people who actually kidnapped the missing boy - Kevin Collins.

kevin collins

The individuals he names are:

Michael Aquino

  • US Military Psy-ops Expert, satanist and publicly admitted head of a spinoff cult from the Church of Satan, called the 'Temple of Set'.

George Bush Snr.

Ex 'pope' Joseph Ratzinger

  • Ex Nazi Youth during World War 2 (possibly against his will) - head of investigating child sex abuse prior to becoming pope and deliberately covered up serious child abuse and rape of children by high ranking individuals in the Catholic church:

Cardinal Roger Mahony

Arlen Specter

  • A (now deceased) American Politician, who damningly was part of the totally corrupt 'Warren Commission' into the assassination of John F. Kennedy and helped devise the completely debunked "Single bullet theory". See my previous post on JFK for more on that.

Warren Buffett

Robert Byrd

  • American Politician and once 3rd in line to the Presidency.

Barney Frank

  • American Politician

Willie Brown (Possibly this guy: - but I am unsure)

Peter's Video Testimonies

In this second video, Peter can be heard to admit to having participated in the kidnapping. Michael Aquino has commented underneath the video, attempting to clear his name by recounting the standard 'official narrative' that satanic ritual abused doesn't even exist - despite evidence to the contrary.

Got Comments?

What do you think of this testimony? Do you have any relevant evidence to add? Let us know in the comments below. Thanks.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

Posts in this Series

  1. The Whistleblowers (Series): #1 - Pharmaceutical Professionals Expose the Massive Criminality of the Medical Industry
  2. The Whistleblowers (Series): #2 - German Doctor Admits Being Trained And Paid To Lie in Mass Media by CIA - Says Most Major Journalists Are the Same
  3. The Whistleblowers (Series): #3 - Exposing 911 as an Inside Job - Susan Lindauer, CIA Asset, Imprisoned & Drugged By US Gov/Mil. to Silence Her
  4. The Whistleblowers (Series): #4 - Eyewitness to Dutch 'Royals', Politicians & George Soros Engaging in Ritual Child Sacrifice?
  5. The Whistleblowers (Series): #5 - CIA Pilot Duped Who Flew Cocaine Smuggling Flights During Iran Contra Affair for The CLINTON Crime Syndicate
  6. The Whistleblowers (Series): #6 - A 2nd CIA Agent Describes Clinton/Bush Cocaine Smuggling Operation During the Iran Contra Affair
  7. The Whistleblowers (Series): #7 - UK MI5 Microwave Weapons Scientist - Illegal Microwave Weapons Tests on American & British Populations inc. Service People & Kids | Birth Defects, Cancer, Mental Illness | Crimes Against Humanity | MKUltra & More
  8. The Whistleblowers (Series): #8 - Witness to Child Ritual Murder At America's Bohemian Grove Club By George Bush Snr., Ex Pope Ratzinger, US Colonel Michael Aquino (Admitted Head of a Major Satanic Cult), Warren Buffett & Others.
  9. The Whistleblowers (Series): #9 - POWERFUL TESTIMONY From US Military Officer: ISIS Is Directly Funded By CIA Via Swiss Banks (UBS) And I Have Documentary Proof of Treason by US Government Members.
  10. The Whistleblowers (Series): #10 - US Gov. 'Economic Hitman': We Assassinate World Leaders & Use Corrupt Methods to Steal Resources Globally. America As World's Leading Terrorist State.

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