Travel Pro Health #4: Thai Ginseng

Ginseng, a travel luxury supplement. In capsule form in the western world, ginseng is usually expensive; however anyone traveling through Asia can find this for what one may consider practically free. I got a small bag of dry powdered Thai Ginseng sometimes referred to as "Fingerrooot" for about $1.50 US in the Maung Mung Market in Chiang Mai Thailand. After two hours of packing them into 500mg capsules; I have more than a half year supply for about two dollars total.

I chose ginseng because it's a great source of essential vitamins and minerals including, potassium, dietary fiber, iron, vitamin C, flavonoids, essential oils, and more. It's great for any kind of stomach ailment, from diarrhea to bloating and nausea. It has anti- viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties. It is good for a range of ailments from arthritis to Asthma. The extract of the plant has even been known to counter act the effects of Leukemia!

In ancient Chinese medicine Ginseng and it's cousin Thai Ginseng have long been known for it's aphrodisiac properties as well. To this day it's quite popular with Thai men. In fact I took a photo of it in 7-11, it was sold out! It would have been about $1.25 for ten. Not bad, but with a little "Travel Pro" knowledge you can make them yourself and get about 250 capsules for two dollars.

With over two-thousand capsules to fill and the markets in Chiang Mai Thailand at my disposal, stay tuned to see what else I got to keep my "Travel Pro Health" at it's best!

Travel Heads Up: I'm visiting family in Florida now, then I'll be in Ecuador Saturday night, where I'll have time to put together a bunch of great travel post highlighting some of the most incredible beaches in Thailand. Until next time! - Dan "World Travel Pro"

Not To be Missed!

Travel Pro Health #3: Ginger"

Travel Pro Health #2: Turmeric

Travel Pro Health #1: Making Your Own Supplements for Pennies on the Dollar in Chiang Mai Thailand

Travel Pro Tip #22: Get a Massage from the Blind in Thailand

With over 10 years of travel experience I answer travel and international lifestyle questions. Leave a question in the comments and I may make a video just for you!

Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!

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