Healthy2018 Update: Health Screening Passed, Mediterranean Dinner Recipe & More

Healthy 2018 Update


Well, after spending endless hours at the hospital outpatient facility this morning with my husband (he was having a wellness outpatient procedure done), I can calmly inform everyone the test was GOOD... nothing out of the ordinary and he has been cleared for a decade.

But now... we still have the battle with his higher-than-high cholesterol. He goes back to the primary doctor for another blood draw in about three weeks- so fingers crossed. Once we get this under control we should be good to go with health concerns for some time.

Remaining vigilant with my healthy eating habits, I wanted to combine his health scares with my new love for cooking healthier and experimenting with my herbs, spices and even making a simple sandwich for lunch.


Lightly toasted French bread with spinach, Bulgarian Feta cheese & homemade sandwich sauce made from plain yogurt, lemon juice, salt/pepper and a little cayenne pepper.

In the past, I would have skipped the homemade sauce and slathered real mayonnaise PLUS added some type of processed lunch or deli meat and packaged cheese slices. MUCH healthier now! And still completely 100% filling.

I'm also including the recipe I have made recently (numerous times due to requests from my husband) for my Mediterranean Pasta Dish.

Here was the original healthy2018 post.

Mediterranean Pasta Recipe

1-lb lean ground beef or ground lamb
1 can low sodium beef or chicken broth
1 can diced tomatoes
1/2 onion diced
2 cloves garlic- diced/chopped finely
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp allspice
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp oregano
1/4 cup frozen spinach- thawed and squeezed of moisture/water

1 cup penne pasta (uncooked)
Feta cheese

salt and pepper to taste

Brown meat, onions and garlic
Add broth, tomatoes, all spices and pasta. Let simmer in a low rolling bowl until pasta is cooked to preferred firmness. Toss in spinach and stir. Just before serving sprinkle Feta Cheese on top and season with salt & pepper.

Here is the original post

18 days ago when I first reported I was down nine pounds I felt happy, motivated and, actually, a teeny-weeny bit healthier.

So today I can HAPPILY report, my total weight loss is 16 pounds; considering the sub-zero temperatures here since before Christmas has been a hindrance on our exercise and walking outside, I still feel GREAT about my accomplishment.

My end result weight loss, or weight maintained, goal is 45 pounds.

I know I can do it. And once spring gets here and I can get outside more, have more activities in the garden... I shall meet and hopefully surpass that number.

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