My Mood on Steemit Has Change

Its not a very easy thing to do when you have a friend who is fighting for his life and dont have any money at all to help him. This leaves a horrible taste in your since you can't even bare to see his sores, the fact that he can't even cook for himself, he can't work for himself, his mind is worpe be all this happening to him.

Full story here of his conditions with pics: @johnlue/help-help-usd5000-needed-to-help-my-friend-who-is-dieing-from-chronic-lupus

R. S Story 3 Years back

Life was flourishing, he had work, he has been living in a rented please for 3 years in the town area. He had food, he could eat, he could go out anytime he wanted, parties where only natural since he live in Jamaica the third happiness nation in the world where everyone believe in having birthday parties, dance sessions, the fast moving life. He had a love life that he was enjoying to the fullest.
Work was great since most people loved this man. He always has a positive word of encouragement and always looking for a brighter way. He has help me many of tines when I was left helpless especially after many trips to kingston and either didn't have the money to get home or it was too dangerous to. He would accommodate me whenever I ask and never say no. He is that good of a friend to me.
I lived in the country side of Jamaica and I remember I could here him calling me from my brother shop loudly every Sunday as he always wanted to find out in Jamaican language "what a gwaan man", or " you cool yute", or "a hope you good you nu".
He was really a positive vibration to people who knew him, but now "Chang" has we nicknamed him is blistered and pains, swelling, and horror as his body poisons his entire organs to fight the illusion of bacteria that's not there.
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