👀 Let's Get You Noticed - Steemit Tips Part 3

Yes, I have more secrets to share : Tag Your It !

If you haven't read Part 1 or Part 2 yet I strongly recommend you do so. There's lots of good information in them to help you on your steemit journey ! In the past topics we went over multiple tips, today we will focus on one aspect of steemit. Tags : What ones to use / What ones not to use and everything else in the middle.

Use All Five Tags

Steemit gives us an option to use up to five tags on each of our post. Use all five of them. One of the biggest mistakes new members make is only using one or two tags. No matter the topic you are posting about there is at least five related tags here on Steemit you can use. If you are struggling to find a forth or fifth tag to use then make one up. Who knows you might start a trend and be the creator of a new tag section.

Don't Use The Most Popular Tags

Looking at the trending pages and seeing hundreds of dollars in the top tags being earned makes it tempting to use these tags but as a newbie or minnow it's highly likely the post that you just spent hours on gets lost in the feed, unless you want to spend a decent amount of money on promoting your post with bid bots. For example the tag #steemit trending page has multiple post ranging from $500 - $800 in rewards as I type this. While it may look tempting to use the tag, if we take into consideration an average of 3 post per minute are being added to this section, the likeliness of a minnows post getting any significant notice is unlikely.

Don't Use Dead Tags

Just like you don't want to use tags with the most traffic ( if you are a minnow or lower ) you also don't want to be using tags no-one visits. Before using a tag, visit the tag section. Check the hot page and then the trending. If the highest payout for a post in that section is in the single digits, you may want to consider using another tag.

Stop Using The Same Tags Over And Over

If you mainly post about the same topic then it's likely you are using the same tags over and over. Try mixing some tags you never used yet with some of the other tags you been having success with. Just make sure they are relevant to your topic. This gives you a chance to reach out to viewers that may not frequent the tags you mainly use and will help you get noticed by a more wide audience.

Do you have some tips about using tags ? Disagree with one of my tips ? Lets hear about it below in the comment section !

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