The Billion Hero Challenge: Join Team BTS (proxy: fav)

The Billion Hero challenge officially started with the announcement (info from telegram)

Note: this is not an investment advice, do your own due diligence and use common sense first

team bts.gif
Not affiliated with BTS, the Korean boygroup

Why I do this

First of all, we cannot allow some outsiders beating us on our beloved playground.

But more importantly, someone with actual BitShares voting needs to be in the tournament... Imagine the horror if $millions join and no one is voting or even worse, doing some very uneducated voting with the proxy millions.

Win Condition

Proxy Vote to fav

2017-06-17 16_57_23-OpenLedger.png

Short HERO

The team earns points on shorted (borrowed) HERO, and only on that action.


  1. Click BORROW HERO

In order to Borrow HERO, you need to lock away 2.25x the value of BitShares
See Economic Model/Risks and why this works:

So this is a bit trial and error, depending on how much BitShares you want to use to create HERO.

  1. Enter AMOUNT
  2. Set the Slider to AT LEAST 2.25
  3. Click Update Position
  4. Confirm

Note: Here's a follow up on how to take out profit: @ash/bitshares-how-to-take-out-profit-from-borrowing


Start with a small amount, like the traditional 0.05 HERO - and see how the system works and how you can take out profit, or how you can lose.

Complete Newbie Guide: @ash/how-to-join-the-hero-challenge-as-leader-and-participant


Read: and contact me if you got questions


Depending on the rank we reach, it'll either get burned, or to the fav-quits-dayjob-to-work-fulltime-for-BitShares fund.

But this is up for discussion :)


Via Mail
► Telegram: favdesu
► HERO Telegram:

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